Man1health · Newsroom

Male Organ Odor: Some Simple Basic Tips
An unwanted case of male organ odor can knock a man for a loop and totally derail his chances with a potential partner. These simple basic tips can help fight that nasty scent.

January 13, 2017

Remote-Controlled Sensual Toys for Long Distance Love
Long distance love between far away partners can be enhanced by the use of sensual toys – especially if those toys are of the new remote controlled variety.

January 12, 2017

These Sensual Mistakes Compromise Male Organ Health
When it comes to male organ health, most men have a good idea of what to do. However, sometimes a man might make a serious sensual mistake, and that can lead to problems.

January 11, 2017

Smooth Male Organ, Smooth Sacks – Is Botox the Answer?
Many men – and their women – love the look of a smooth male organ. But what about the look of smooth sacks? That’s where Botox might come in helpful.

January 11, 2017

Sensible Itchy Male Organ Prevention: Jock Itch Tips
When an itchy male organ is due to jock itch, it can create a touchy situation for a man. Taking steps to prevent jock itch is well advised.

January 10, 2017

Sensual Tips and Manhood Care for a Cold Winter
No matter the season, sensual tips can come in very handy for a guy – but especially during the winter, when the cold weather can make manhood care more challenging.

January 9, 2017

Male Organ Pain and UTI: Here are the Warning Signs
No matter what causes male organ pain, it can be frightening enough to send a man to the doctor fast. And in the case of a urinary tract infection, that’s a good thing.

January 9, 2017

Losing Manhood Sensitivity? It Might be RPS
Many men worry about manhood sensitivity. Some might actually have a condition known as Reduced Member Sensation, or RPS, which makes it difficult to feel finer sensations in the male organ.

January 7, 2017

Manhood Health and Male Seed: The Connection
When focusing on manhood health, men often look for tell-tale signs on the surface of the manhood. But sometimes the male seed that comes forth from the member can also give health information.

January 6, 2017

Why Lube Might Lead to a Red or Itchy Manhood
Using lubrication during intimacy is quite common; however, some men walk away from their encounter with a red or itchy manhood. Here’s what might be causing the problem.

January 6, 2017

Manhood Rash Due to Angiokeratomas
A man can come down with a manhood rash for any number of reasons, some of them rather frightening. Angiokeratomas can also be a cause, albeit a much more benign one.

January 5, 2017

Member Health Could Be Impeded by Your Soap
A man always wants his member health to be operating at a top level, so anything that impacts it should be examined. In some cases, antibacterial soap could be having a negative effect.

January 4, 2017

Small Manhood Tips for Bedtime Enjoyment
A man with a small manhood often feels hesitant or unsure when bedtime activities roll around. However, following a few tips can help a man to create conditions for more pleasurable bedtime fun.

January 3, 2017

Does Strong Mouthwash Really Help with Certain Manhood Pain?
A red or itchy member, as well as manhood pain, can often be the first sign of a socially shared infection, such as gonorrhea. Keeping strong mouthwash in your cabinet might actually help avoid some of these issues.

January 2, 2017

Self-Pleasuring Marathon: Tips for Beginners
Self-pleasuring can be a pleasant pastime, but sometimes a man wants to go in for a lengthy marathon session. It pays to be prepared for such a session.

January 2, 2017

Tips to Avoid a Sore Manhood after Intimate Fun
Sometimes a man gets a little too rowdy in bed, and that can easily lead to a sore manhood, or even member pain. Fortunately, there are a few points to remember when getting it on that can help ensure a better time and less worry.

December 31, 2016

Fighting Manhood Odor at College
A man can suffer from rank manhood odor at any time, but it can be especially problematic during those college years. Keeping manhood odor at bay is a skill all men should learn.

December 30, 2016

When a Bent Member Results from Manhood Injury
Sometimes a bent member occurs after a manhood injury (or a series of them). Why should such a trauma actually result in noticeable curvature that wasn’t there before?

December 30, 2016

Self-Pleasuring as Stress Management: Feeling Relaxed by Feeling Oneself
Self-pleasuring is part of every man’s pleasure wheelhouse, but it can be useful for more than simply entertaining oneself. Some men can use self-pleasuring to decrease their stress levels.

December 27, 2016

Sensual Health: Is a Taste of Mint Good or Bad?
There are so many factors to consider when it comes to maintaining sensual health. Some people think mint can play a role – but what role exactly?

December 23, 2016

Dry Manhood Skin Sometimes Results from Sensual Activity
A dry member can be a deterrent to sensual activity – so it’s ironic that sensual activity itself can be the cause of dry manhood skin. Men should take steps to address this problem.

December 23, 2016

Red Male Organ and Prepuce: Some Helpful Hints
A red male organ can strike any man, whether he sports a prepuce or has been circumcised. Knowing how to look after a red male organ situation is valuable.

December 22, 2016

Sleep Apnea and Tumescence Dysfunction: There May Be a Link
Preventing or treating tumescence dysfunction requires knowing potential causes – and surprisingly, the disorder known as sleep apnea may contribute to this unwelcome state of affairs.

December 22, 2016

Sensual Toys from Santa: Special Gifts for Her
When Santa leaves gifts under her tree, he may want to include a few sensual toys to make sure that she can be as naughty as she is nice.

December 22, 2016

Does Heart Attack Recovery Lead to Manhood Problems?
Many men worry about a variety of manhood problems, but some men have even deeper concerns. This is especially true if a man has suffered a heart attack and is now trying to get back into the sensual swing of things.

December 22, 2016

Is that Manhood Rash Caused by a Latex Allergy?
Many men suffer from a manhood rash from time to time. But for those who have a latex allergy, the use of barrier protection can lead to not only a severe rash, but other problems as well.

December 19, 2016

Self-Pleasuring Clubs: Tips for the Newbie
Self-pleasuring clubs can be a great place for a man to experience self-pleasuring on a new and different level. But a newbie to the experience may need a little guidance in advance.

December 19, 2016

Male Organ Pain from Sports: Precautions and Treatment
Most men who play sports will experience male organ pain at some point or other. However, there are steps that can help reduce the risk of male organ pain from sports.

December 17, 2016

Male Organ Rash Might Be the Result of Pemphigus
An unattractive and unsightly male organ rash can be a major turn-off to a potential partner – and it may also signal an underlying cause, such as the skin disorder pemphigus.

December 16, 2016

Desensitized Male Organ? It Might be the ‘Death Grip’
Self-pleasuring is a natural, healthy part of being a man. But a desensitized male organ from ‘death grip’ self-pleasuring is a quite common problem that many men struggle to overcome.

December 16, 2016

Can More Frequent Sensual Activity Translate to Better Memory?
Having sensual activity frequently is not only fun, it’s also beneficial to a person’s health. And now studies suggest that it may play a role in keeping memory sharp.

December 15, 2016

Is that Male Organ Pain Caused by Crohn’s Disease?
Male organ pain is always a serious issue; getting to the bottom of the cause is urgent. Some men who have Crohn’s disease might be surprised to learn that the problem can affect the genital area, too.

December 14, 2016

Sensual Tips: Making the Bedroom Work for You
Although many sensual tips are concentrated on the mechanics behind sensual activity, it doesn’t pay to neglect environmental factors – such as the state of a man’s bedroom and what that says to a partner.

December 14, 2016

What Does that Fishy Male Organ Smell Mean?
Manhood odor is something every man battles from time to time. But a persistent fishy male organ smell might be a sign of a serious issue.

December 13, 2016

Self-Pleasuring, Member Chafing, and a Few Interesting Facts
Some men are so serious about self-pleasuring that they worry about member chafing. And some men lie about how much they self-gratify. Here are some other interesting facts on a man’s favorite personal pastime.

December 12, 2016

Those Male Organ Bumps May be MC, Not Warts
The sudden appearance of male organ bumps may cause a man anxiety, as they may signal a significant problem. Luckily, sometimes they are only MC, a benign if annoying condition.

December 12, 2016

Could Male Organ Odor Indicate Ketonuria?
While male organ odor is never welcome, it pays to consider possible sources of this problem – including investigating whether ketonuria could be behind the stench situation.

December 10, 2016

Better Sensual Activity through Olfactory Enhancements
Tips for better sensual activity include using the senses – but too often olfactory options are ignored, much to a man’s sensual detriment.

December 9, 2016

Is It a Small Male Organ or a Skewed Perspective?
With the disproportionate emphasis placed on male organ size, most men do not want to be known for having a small male organ. Yet often smallness is a matter of skewed perspective.

December 8, 2016

Fighting an Itchy Male Organ in the Winter
An itchy male organ can strike a man at any time of the year, but the harsh weather realities make winter an especially opportune time for that dreaded need to scratch.

December 7, 2016

Manhood Irritation? Try Tantric Intimacy Instead
Though manhood irritation might be one of the biggest problems from a marathon intimacy session, that’s not the case with tantric intimacy. Here’s what curious men need to know about this awesome brand of coupling.

December 6, 2016

Tumescence Dysfunction Can Be a Result of Hemochromatosis
Hemochromatosis creates a situation in which a man’s body retains far too much iron. Surprisingly, this situation can be a factor in tumescence dysfunction for some men with this disorder.

December 5, 2016

Does No Self-Pleasuring Really Increase Member Sensitivity?
What’s the deal with the big ‘no self-pleasuring’ movement? Some say it leads to frustration, while others tout an increase in member sensitivity. Here’s what the curious man should know.

December 5, 2016

Ouch! When Male Organ Pain is Related to a Bladder Stone
No man enjoys male organ pain. It’s important to know what factors may be causing this situation. One of the overlooked causes is a bladder stone, which may come with other symptoms.

December 3, 2016

Manhood Health Secret: Vitamin D May Help Sensual Drive
So many sensual tips focus on areas related to the mechanics of male performance in bed, but the issue of decreased sensual drive should also be considered. One tip: increase vitamin D levels.

December 2, 2016

Going Beyond Male Organ Problems: Studying the Sacks
Some signs of male organ problems, such as male member redness or irritation, can send a man scrambling for the doctor. But what about problems with the sacks?

December 2, 2016

Sore Male Organ? Masterdating May Help
Guys with a really sore male organ and need to give it a break may try masterdating instead. The sore male organ will feel better and the guy will have some serious “me time.”

December 1, 2016

Sore Male Organ Avoidance Tips: Proper Use of a Member Pump
Most men would really rather avoid a sore male organ, and that can be one consequence of using a member pump. There can be other issues as well, so proper use if crucial.

November 30, 2016

Tumescent Male Organ in the AM: What Morning Wood Tells a Man
Morning wood, or being greeted at the break of day with a tumescent male organ, is a common occurrence for most men and may be an indicator of good health.

November 30, 2016

Male Organ Odor: Is It Always a Turn-Off for Women?
Rank male organ odor can become a major turn-off to a potential partner, but don’t women like a manly smell? Could it actually be a turn-on for them?

November 29, 2016