Man1health · Newsroom

Forget a Chafed Manhood – it’s the Refractory Period that’s Annoying
Having a great time in the sack might be dampened by not only a chafed manhood, but an annoying refractory period. Why can’t a man go again as soon as he wants to?

October 19, 2016

Male Oral Sensual Activity Tips - from a Woman’s POV
When men are receiving oral sensual activity pleasure, they may not consider how the woman feels. These tips can help make the experience better for her as well.

October 18, 2016

Manhood Pain and Dealing with Blue Sacks
While there might be many causes of occasional manhood pain, blue sacks is one that will be familiar to most men. Here’s why blue sacks happens and what can be done about it.

October 17, 2016

Male Organ Rash and Hiking: Itching on the Trail
Hiking through the forest and mountains is an incredible experience, but it can be a painful and inconvenient one when male organ rash shows up along the way.

October 17, 2016

Self-Pleasuring Statistics: What’s the Frequency, Dude?
There are statistics on everything, but it’s hard to know how reliable those are on self-pleasuring. Still, one thing is clear: it’s a popular pastime for lots of men!

October 15, 2016

Sore Manhood and Other Concerns about a Vasectomy
Many men are understandably nervous about having a vasectomy, especially if they have heard sore manhood tales from those who have already gone through it. Here’s the lowdown.

October 15, 2016

Sensual Health Corner: Exercises for Early on Seed Release
Early on seed release is a concern for many men, who often wonder what they can do to address this sensual health concern. Some men find that regular exercises can help.

October 14, 2016

Sensual Tips for Hot Halloween Fun
A lot of sensual tips advise couples to dress up as someone else and let their inhibitions go – and Halloween gives people a perfect excuse for trying on new roles.

October 14, 2016

Member Health Matters in Open Relationships
Maintaining excellent member health is especially important if a man engages in open relationships. These tips can help a man ensure he stays as safe as possible during his encounters.

October 13, 2016

Male Organ Pain Can Be Intense with CPPS
Chronic pelvic pain syndrome (also called CPPS) can cause a male organ pain that is so intense as to make a man disinterested in sensual activity. And that’s pretty painful.

October 12, 2016

Does a Sore male Organ Mean a Man is Having Too Much Intimacy?
When engaging in intimacy with an enthusiastic partner, it can sometimes be tough to stop – and a sore male organ might be the result. But that leads to the age-old question: How much intimacy is too much?

October 10, 2016

Sometimes Male Organ Odor is Related to Antiperspirants
Antiperspirants have saved many a man from an embarrassing body odor situation. But sometimes they may contribute to bad male organ odor, which may be just as troubling.

October 10, 2016

Manhood Pain Might be Caused by a New Social Infection
All men should be aware of mycoplasma genitalium, a new socially transmitted infection. Symptoms might include manhood pain and discharge, among other problems.

October 8, 2016

Sensual Tips for Women: Using Massage on Him
There are numerous sensual tips that focus on the actual act of mutual pleasure, but knowing how to use massage to make a man feel sensually alive is also beneficial.

October 8, 2016

The Unwanted Firm Male Organ: Hiding the Bulge
Most of the time, a guy is happy to have a noticeable bulge in his pants to show off. Sometimes, though, a firm male organ is an unwanted distraction.

October 7, 2016

Red Male Organ Query: Does Diabetes Cause Balanitis?
When a man has a raw-looking, tender and red male organ due to balanitis, it pays to look for underlying causes. For many men, diabetes can be a major factor behind the development of balanitis.

October 7, 2016

Male Organ Size Tricks: Creating the Illusion of a Bigger Male Organ
Yes, male organ size is a concern for many men, with the pursuit of a bigger male organ still very common. Fortunately, there are some tricks that can help create the illusion of greater size.

October 6, 2016

Can Private Parts Grinding Lead to an Itchy Male Organ?
Many couples really enjoy private parts grinding, the rubbing of the manhood against another person’s private areas. Taking precautions to prevent an itchy male organ can make it even more pleasurable.

October 5, 2016

Does Male Organ Pump Use Create a Raw Male Organ?
The male organ pump is often used for both medicinal and recreational purpose. However, improper use can result in a sore and raw male organ. Here’s how to avoid this.

October 4, 2016

Phew! When Male Organ Odor Indicates a Medical Issue
When male organ odor becomes off-putting, a man needs to discover the cause and take decisive action. In some cases, a medical issue may be at the root of the problem.

October 3, 2016

For Better Sensual Activity, Change the Setting
There are many factors that can influence the quality of a man’s sensual activity. Men looking for better sensual activity may want to consider changing the setting for their encounters.

October 3, 2016

Good Male Organ health Requires Understanding Gonorrhea
A key part of good male organ health is ensuring that no socially shared infections are contracted during intimate play. The latest news on gonorrhea is a big reminder to use barrier protections whenever necessary.

October 1, 2016

Male Organ Rash and Personal Care Products: What to Look Out For
When a man has a male organ rash, he wants to rid himself of it as soon as possible. If personal care products are responsible for the rash, a change may be in order.

October 1, 2016

Small Manhood and Intimacy: The Best Ways to Get it Done
Those who have a small manhood might worry about providing the best intimate experience for their partner. The good news is that member size makes little difference when it comes to giving a partner the ultimate mind-blowing intimate adventure.

September 30, 2016

Oral Sensual Activity for the Self: Tips for Trying Self-Administered Oral Pleasure
The pleasures of oral sensual activity from another are precious to any man – but there are plenty who would equally enjoy self-administered oral pleasure if they could only master it.

September 30, 2016

Hands-Off Self-Gratification: Exploring Other Pleasure Points
It’s no surprise that hand-on-male organ self-gratification is the norm, but guys really should consider exploring other pleasure points to make their self-gratification that much more intense and satisfying.

September 29, 2016

A Red Male Organ Sometimes Means Red Sacks Syndrome
When a man has a red male organ, he needs to know the reason for it in order to correct it. In some cases, a condition known as red sacks syndrome may be responsible.

September 28, 2016

Sensual Tips for These Autumn Months
Summer is over, autumn is here – and men who are feeling frisky can utilize any number of sensual tips to make the fall months overflow with fun.

September 28, 2016

Manhood Skin Care is Not the Only Way to Boost Fertility
Want to preserve and enhance fertility? Manhood skin care is just one part of the many things a man can do to help ensure his little swimmers are as healthy and viable as possible.

September 27, 2016

Manhood Problems 101: An Informative Primer
Manhood problems are quite common, but fortunately, very few of them are serious. Understanding the reasons behind those member problems can help alleviate the worry and hasten the healing.

September 26, 2016

Dry Male Organ Skin Might Result from Ichthyosis
Too many men know the embarrassment associated with dry male organ skin. There can be many causes, but few men know of the skin condition known as ichthyosis, which can present on the member.

September 24, 2016

Sore Member or Male Organ Fracture – Here’s How to Know
An occasional sore member after intimacy is common, especially if the act has been particularly rough. A male organ fracture, however, is an entirely different beast.

September 23, 2016

Low Desire in Men: Is Low Male Hormone to Blame?
A low desire in men can be caused by numerous things, including lifestyle issues. But one of the most common reasons lies in male hormone – or lack thereof – and many men don’t realize they have a problem.

September 23, 2016

Bent Male Organ: The Best Sensual Positions
When a man sports a bent male organ, he may worry about what impact it can have on his sensual functioning. Sometimes changing sensual positions can help to make coupling more enjoyable.

September 22, 2016

Manhood Rash May Be Allergic Reaction
There can be numerous causes for a manhood rash, and an allergic reaction is one of the most common. Knowing what to avoid to prevent this rash is crucial for a man’s manhood health.

September 21, 2016

Itchy Manhood at College: Keeping the Jock Itch Away
No matter how big a man on campus a dude may seem, a madly itchy manhood due to jock itch will fell the reputation of any college man.

September 21, 2016

Manhood Health 101: The Lowdown on Using Vitamins for Manhood Enlargement
Those interested in manhood health have probably wondered at some point about those enlargement supplements. Do they really work? And what does taking them mean for manhood health?

September 20, 2016

Manhood Rash Concerns: Time to Get Tested for Socially Transmitted Infections?
When a manhood rash begins, or an itchy manhood becomes a serious issue, one of the first thoughts is a socially transmitted infection. While there are many socially transmitted infections that show themselves promptly.

September 19, 2016

Manhood Chafing Isn’t Just for Marathon Runners
Chafing is one of those awful sensations that can put a serious damper on the day. Penis chafing makes things even worse, as it causes every move to be a bit painful. Here’s how to prevent or eliminate the problem.

September 19, 2016

How Manhood Health is Affected by Vitamin B5
Most men are conscious of the need for vigilance where manhood health is concerned. These men may benefit from a greater understanding of the role vitamin B5 plays in manhood health.

September 17, 2016

Male Dysfunction: What Every Man Should Know
At the first instance of problems ‘getting it up’ or dealing with decreased manhood sensitivity, many men worry that dreaded male dysfunction has begun. It’s time to bust the myths about male dysfunction.

September 16, 2016

Can Good Vibrations Lead to an Hard Manhood?
Vibrations are all around us, but some scientists believe that specific use of vibrations may help a man achieve an hard manhood. This could be good news for many men.

September 15, 2016

Manhood Chafing: Prepare Your Tool for Going Commando
Tempted to go without underwear? Going commando can be an exciting feeling, but it can also mean manhood chafing and other irritations. In order to go commando properly, it pays to take a few precautions first.

September 14, 2016

Interesting Manhood Problems that Can Be Remedied
Unique manhood problems can occur when you least expect them. The good news is that what many men consider problems aren’t really problems at all, or can be easily remedied with a few minor changes.

September 13, 2016

Better intimacy Requires Attentiveness
Proper attentiveness to a mate is part of the path toward better intimacy for both men and women. Adequate cuddling beforehand is a start, but there’s more to it than just that.

September 12, 2016

Manhood Odor and the Food that Affects It
A potent case of manhood odor can be a disaster for a man, whether on a date or just hanging out with friends. The food one eats may help to diffuse this odiferous situation.

September 12, 2016

Male dysfunction and Psoriasis: Could There Be a Link?
Many men experience some male dysfunction at some point in their lives, but a recent study suggests that men with psoriasis may be at greater risk of developing male dysfunction.

September 10, 2016

Pleasure with a Sore Manhood: Some Helpful Hints
When a guy has a sore manhood, he really should avoid intimacy until it feels better. But too often men sacrifice their sore manhood for a shot at more play.

September 9, 2016

Self-stimulation Games: Controlling the Emission
Most men engage in self-stimulation strictly for pleasurable purposes (and why not?) But sometimes self-stimulation games can help a man learn a bit about emission control as well.

September 9, 2016

Itchy Manhood? Manscaping May Help
Too many men are familiar with the curse of an itchy manhood and will try just about anything to cure this problem. For these guys, it might be time to think about a little manscaping.

September 8, 2016