Man1health · Newsroom

Better Manhood Health Formula: Red Wine and Juice
In the ever present quest for better sensual activity, many men will seek out new options to try. A tasty option is to drink red wine and consume citrus fruits or juices.

February 22, 2017

Keeping Manhood Skin Healthy After Tattoos
Some men absolutely love tattoos, to a point where they actually get tattoos on their manhood skin. If a man chooses to do this, it pays to know how to take care of the new ink.

February 21, 2017

Easing Member Pain from the Dreaded Zipper Incident
Getting male organ skin caught in a zipper can be a horrible injury. Here’s what a man needs to know to free his manhood and ease the member pain.

February 20, 2017

Male Organ Size Comparisons That Distort Reality
Comparisons of male organ size are part of a man’s life. But it’s important to realize the factors that can lead to a distorted view of acceptable male organ size.

February 20, 2017

Staying “In the Moment” Equals Good Manhood Care
One of the more useful sensual tips for men and for women: staying “in the moment” while in bed with a partner can make sensual activity even better.

February 18, 2017

Worrisome Male Organ Bumps Might Be Lichen Planus
When a man drops his trousers, the last thing he wants to display is a member full of male organ bumps. Sometimes lichen planus can be the cause of this embarrassing situation.

February 17, 2017

Self-Pleasuring as Motivation: A Real Incentive for Manhood Care
Many things can be used using as motivation for a man in order to do something he has been putting off or doesn’t want to do. Why not include self-pleasuring as one of those incentives?

February 17, 2017

Friction Burn, Sore Male Organ, Less Sensual Activity
Rough and aggressive sensual activity can be a thrill during the event, but the friction burn that can result from it may mean a man ends up with a mighty sore male organ afterward.

February 16, 2017

Manhood Problems: Tumescence Dysfunction and Psychology
For some men, the causes or tumescence dysfunction are obvious. But for others, there might seem to be nothing physically wrong. Can tumescence dysfunction be a psychological issue?

February 15, 2017

Self-Pleasuring and Member Health: Fun Facts
Self-pleasuring is a powerful part of member health, and as such, it’s important to learn all there is to know about the act. Here are a few fun facts to ponder.

February 15, 2017

Male Organ Skin and Lubricants: Some Helpful Tips
Healthy male organ skin is essential for a member that is attractive to potential partners, who may be turned off by dry, rashy skin. Use of an appropriate lubricant can help maintain the skin.

February 14, 2017

A Guide to Male Organ Pain and Kidney Stones
There can be many reasons for male organ pain, but one of the worst pains often comes from kidney stones. Here’s what a man needs to know about this problem.

February 13, 2017

Sensual Tips: Male Organ--Breasts Sensual Activity
There are sensual tips for all kinds of partner-based activities, but what’s a man to do when he finds a partner who lets him place his manhood between her breasts?

February 13, 2017

Male Organ Quiz: Do You Know These Male Organ Facts?
Taking a short quiz can help a man bone up on his male organ facts. Knowing information about the male member enables a man to take better care of it and ensure its durability.

February 11, 2017

Is Male Organ Health Aided by a Mediterranean Diet?
Man’s search for better male organ health is laudable and should focus on many different aspects – including food choices. Can a Mediterranean diet provide substantial benefits?

February 10, 2017

Self-Pleasuring Tips: Getting Out of a Rut
Self-pleasuring is one of the world’s most enjoyable pastimes, but sometimes a guy can fall into a bit of a rut with it. Finding a way out of the rut is crucial.

February 10, 2017

Get a Handsome Manhood before Venturing into a Sensual Party
Men who want to attend a sensual party should keep two things in mind: Work to get a handsome manhood, and remember the etiquette that comes with getting down with strangers.

February 9, 2017

When Male Organ Bumps Are Caused by Lymphoceles
When a man discovers male organ bumps on his middle region, he wants to know the cause. Sometimes it can be lymphoceles, a relatively harmless condition that should cause little worry.

February 8, 2017

6 Surprising Tips for Manhood Health
There are hundreds of tips out there for manhood health, but how many of them really work? These strange sensual health tips actually get things done.

February 8, 2017

Manhood Odor Reduction Strategies to Avoid
A strong case of manhood odor is unwanted and potentially damaging to a man’s attempts at partnering. Knowing what strategies to avoid when combatting this issue is crucial.

February 7, 2017

Why Those Manhood Size Surveys Don’t Matter
Many men’s websites include online surveys and polls about a guy’s favorite appendage, often with a focus on manhood size. But there’s a reason why so many of these surveys are unreliable.

February 6, 2017

That Itchy Member May Come from Time in the Hot Tub
Relaxing in a hot tub – or having a sizzling time with a partner in one – can be fun. But men should be aware that an itchy member could result.

February 6, 2017

Firm Manhood Control: Fighting the Self-Pleasuring Urge
When a man has an insistently firm manhood, self-pleasuring often follows. But sometimes a guy wants to self-stimulate less frequently, which may require some special strategies.

February 4, 2017

Red Male Organ: A Telltale Sign of Sunburn
Men who love to frolic bare in the sunlight might notice a red male organ, skin peeling on the manhood, and other sun-related problems. Here’s how to treat it.

February 3, 2017

Better Male Organ Health through Sleeping Bare
Maintaining good male organ health is an admirable goal all men should shoot for. One way to help enhance male organ health is simply by sleeping bare regularly.

February 3, 2017

Diet May Impact Male Organ Sensitivity
Diet affects so many things, and that may even include male organ sensitivity. Deficiencies in vitamin B12 and folate may help bring about loss of sensation in the male organ.

February 2, 2017

How One Little Pill can Compromise Manhood Health
The hot new party tablet is the little blue pill, and that can be a very bad thing for some men. In some cases, male organ problems will quickly become the least of a man’s concerns.

February 1, 2017

Red Manhood and More: Strange Coupling Problems
A red or irritated member might result from aggressive coupling, but it might also be a sign of a strange reaction. Here’s the lowdown on three very weird coupling consequences.

February 1, 2017

Manhood Weights Can Bring Member Pain
Many men endure a bit of member pain in search of greater male organ size. Manhood weights are one popular method which often results in some pain.

January 31, 2017

Could that Sore Male Organ Come from Drinking Wine?q
There are worse things than a sore male organ, but one can get in the way of enjoying sensual activity. Some people think wine may cause some soreness. Are they correct?

January 30, 2017

What Male Organ Health Says about Longevity
A man should pay close attention to male organ health, as it can provide clues to his overall health as well. One thing in particular to note is tumescence dysfunction.

January 30, 2017

Identifying Male Organ Rash: Petechaie
Stepping out of one’s trousers to discover the presence of a male organ rash can be a demoralizing experience. Sometimes, the rash may be due to petechaie, small pinpoint dots.

January 28, 2017

ADHD Treatments and Sensual Health
All guys are interested in making sure their sensual health is not in any danger. Sometimes a man with ADHD may find that his medication is causing problems he needs to deal with.

January 27, 2017

Reignite Her Flame and Get Better Manhood Care
When a couple has been together for an extended period of time, reigniting a partner’s sensual drive may be necessary. Basic tips can provide a guide for this task.

January 27, 2017

Getting Creative with Self-Pleasuring
Men enjoy self-pleasuring with very good reason, but sometimes a guy can get a little bored with fondling himself in the same manner. In such cases, getting creative is the key to better enjoyment.

January 26, 2017

Got an Itchy Male Organ? It Might be Intertrigo
There can be many reasons for an itchy male organ. One of the less common problems is intertrigo, a skin condition that can lead to an itchy manhood and more.

January 25, 2017

Try These Foods for the Best Member Skin Care
Member skin care should be a priority for any man. The savvy guy will be happy to know that the same foods that provide great member skin care are also those that provide harder tumescence.

January 25, 2017

Dry Manhood Skin May Result from Malnutrition
Dry manhood skin can ruin the effect of presenting the member to a partner, so keeping this condition at bay is crucial. Sometimes malnutrition may be responsible for this dryness.

January 24, 2017

Sensual Toys for Manhood Health: Hints for Using a Doll
There are many sensual toys an inquiring man might explore, but the more traditional sensual doll is still a popular choice for many who wish to add a little spice to things.

January 23, 2017

Is That Bent Member Related to Hearing Problems?
When a man possesses a severely bent member, he may want to know what the cause of this situation could be. Surprisingly, in some cases it may be related to factors causing hearing loss.

January 23, 2017

Travel Self-Pleasuring: Rules of the Road
A little travel can take a guy to new places – and lead to self-pleasuring if he gets bored along the way. Following a few simple rules can help keep things in hand.

January 21, 2017

Do Natural Enhancers Really Lead to More Passion?
Do natural enhancers really help a man keep things busy in the bedroom? Here’s a look at natural enhancers, manhood sensitivity, what works and what doesn’t.

January 20, 2017

Benign Manhood Bumps: Recognizing Fordyce Spots
Men often worry about the presence of manhood bumps (with good reason) but when the bumps are just Fordyce spots, there’s no reason to be anxious or afraid.

January 20, 2017

Explore the Manhood and the Feet for Better Pleasure
When thinking about ways to create even better sensual activity in their lives, men think a lot about the manhood – but maybe they should think about the feet as well.

January 19, 2017

Self-Pleasuring at Work? Why Not?
Self-pleasuring is both fun and easy to do. But should it be done while one is at work? Some doctors think it could be a good idea.

January 18, 2017

Preserve Male Organ Sensitivity with Vitamins
The degree of male organ sensitivity can play a huge role in determining just how enjoyable sensual experiences can be for a man. Some vitamins have abilities that help protect this sensitivity.

January 18, 2017

Warts on Male Organ – What Does This Mean?
A man who notices warts on male organ might be terrified about what that means. Here’s what the savvy man needs to know when he sees bumps and warts on his member.

January 17, 2017

How Getting Older Affects Male Organ Health
Bodies change over time. Getting older might include the symptoms of male menopause, as well as other physical changes that can affect male organ health.

January 16, 2017

Male Organ Rash? For Some, It’s From Tinea Versicolor
The possible causes of male organ rash are many, and an accurate diagnosis is needed to know the best treatment. Spotting tinea versicolor as the culprit can aid in getting the right treatment.

January 16, 2017

Can Manhood Pain Be Due to Male Hormone?
It’s a no-brainer that avoiding manhood pain is high on the list of any man’s to-do list. A study suggests that maintaining higher male hormone levels may help.

January 13, 2017