Making an old ladies wig will transform any young woman in an older version of herself. Because the meticulous nature of making wigs ishowigs(, the process is tedious and requires a lot of patience. While most wigs requires a more skilful application of hair near the forehead, unlike the neckline, exaggerate the factor "old lady" of this fantasy piece will give you the license to zigzag and place individual strands in a disorderly manner.
1.Compre a cap wig buy best human hair bob wigs from ishowigs( that fits on the head of who will dress her. Buy it, and all other materials required to make a wig, the Internet or through a store specializing in costumes of their region. Ask the representative of the costume shop to measure your head, if necessary, to make a special request cap that fits exactly on you.
2.Apare the edges of the cap if you are feeling that they are hurting you or your prefabricated synthetic tips are troubling.
3.Dobre a piece of synthetic gray hair in the middle. Pass the folded end of the hair through a cap of the holes around its edge. Grab the folded part with the needle ventilation or hook. Pull back through the cap by about 2.5 cm.
4.Amarre a single strand of hair just below the fold around the hook. Pull the hair through the fold until it is tight and the wick is tied to cap. Repeat steps 4 and 5 with the silver hair. Make your way toward the front of the cap. Continue this process until all the cap is filled with hair. Separate from 7 to 14 days to complete the wig See details here(