The purchase and sale of commercial real property involves a wide variety of items, from procurement and negotiation of financing to a possible servitude and lease negotiations. If you or your company is involved in exchange or development of a commercial real estate or any other matter related to commercial real estate, an experienced attorney can ensure that your transaction is legally sound and that their opportunities and the merits to be optimized .
We are experts in transactions and problems of Commercial Real Estate Closing Worthington Ohio, from negotiations with tenants with problems to developers on a large scale, including the purchase or sale of undeveloped land, financing and construction or acquisition of properties such as apartments, warehouses, shopping centers and office buildings.
Commercial properties involve a variety of legal problems and often unanticipated. Transcounty Title Agency Columbus Ohio has served as lead counsel in business transactions and real estate matters from 2007, and as an internal consultant for a real estate company. Our firm can effectively solve all issues of commercial real estate, from the review of contracts, to a total responsibility for facilitating the acquisition and financing of real estate projects of millions of dollars.
To ensure that the rights and interests of your business are protected, an attorney for business transactions can help. For more information on commercial transactions or to hire a lawyer of commercial transactions, contact TransCounty Title Agency today.