London, UK 20th March, 2016 - has said it will be offering its customers the completed version of their orders in PDF format. The firm will not charge any extra costs for this add-on and is expected to start doing it as soon as possible. has said that a lot of companies today offer completed orders in word format. Although there is totally nothing wrong with this, it would still look professional and a little modern if the final copy of the dentistry personal statement is delivered in from of a pdf. This is definitely something the company has thought about and it will surely be taken as a big step for better services.
The great thing about PDF files is that they can easily be published online and colleges can access them easily. Besides special effects can be added to give the personal statement for dental school a unique and well crafted look that dazzles the admitting board for the college the initial statement has been written off.
With everything said and done, it would mean that students will rather have their good dentistry personal statement in PDF format than Microsoft word which is far much basic. There is also another big advantage that PDF formatting in personal statements can give students who want to join dental school in the near future.
Many colleges always insist on PDF formats so it could be one of the basic requirements spelt out by the institution. In any case though, has said that PDF formatting is an add-on for its personal statement dentistry and there is not going to be any price additions for it. You can get more information about and its dental school writing services on its website at