The Role of TCM in International Market
Our country is the birthplace of Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine is a treasures of traditional medicine and traditional cultural, for thousands of years it has made tremendous contribution to the health of the Chinese people and peoples of the world. In China, there are more than 50 percent of people taking the medicine when receiving treatment; accounting for 24%, Choose Chinese medicine treatment as their first choice when sick, nearly everyone in their whole life have used traditional Chinese medicine.
But Traditional Chinese Medicine doesn't play a remarkable role as it has been expected. In such a big Chinese trade market, the proportion of traditional Chinese medicine trade is only 3%. And most of the trade forms are raw materials, while Japan's trade volume accounted for more than 80% of the market, China has become the main raw material supply to traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine intellectual property rights have been usurped by many foreigner countries. This is not only a shame of our country, but also the loss of our country. According to the State Food and Drug Administration inspector Luo poetry presentation, the highest value of Chinese exports had reached 700 million US dollars in foreign exchange earnings, but in 1996, the downward trend is quite obvious during the whole year.
In 2002, among $ 620 million of Chinese exports, the medicine intermediates and its extract accounted for $164 million, and used as raw materials to produce the ocean outside of traditional Chinese medicine, then pin back in China. In Japan, there is a traditional Chinese medicine company, it uses our Liushen processing into Jiuxin Dan, with annual sales of more than $100 million, and much of them are sold to China.
CHUANBEIPIBA cream, Po Sum On oil, carminative oil, safflower oil and other "Western medicine" virtues, the similar products in China have no strength to fight back. With "Western medicine" marching, there is a strong vibration in the industry. For a time, the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine, and actively participate in international competition has become the industry's most fashionable topic, the ancient Chinese herbal formula has become many businessmen and even international pharmaceutical giants race to chase the target.
So we have reason and also have a responsibility to develop traditional Chinese medicine vigorously, in order to make it playing a better role in the clinical. Logically, in order to be worthy of the status of the medicine, Chinese medicine must account for at least more than 50% in the international market.
After China entered the WTO, it provides an excellent opportunity for China to enter the international market. And it also brings more space the in the application of Traditional Chinese medicine in many countries. It is a golden opportunity to promote Chinese medicine. China is a traditional Chinese medicine-producing country; it is rich in herbal medicine resources. And it has a very large raw material market. China has more than 10,000 kinds of medicinal plants. It has the system of traditional Chinese medicine theory and the vast resources of medical books, literature. In the folk there are a lot of unilateral, prescription field. Chinese have also used traditional Chinese medicine for thousands of years; it is a big application of traditional Chinese medicine market. Thus, the advantages of traditional Chinese medicine development are inevitable.