If you are working as a foreigner in Singapore, you may encounter some special periods when you have to borrow money for emergencies, medical bills or coping with the living expenses once in a while. Now, there are a lot of banks and financial institutions that provide loans for you to help you go through financial troubles in Singapore. However, there are some difficulties you have to encounter when apply a foreigner loan in Singapore. In the process of applying for such a loan, you are required to provide more documentations than the Singapore citizens.
Those financial institutions may require you to provide some documentations such as proof or certification of income, employment pass or working permit in Singapore, valid identification cards and passport. Yet, the requirements vary depending on the financial institution you deal with. When you decide to apply a foreigner loan in Singapore, you can have the following options. First, you need to provide your Employment Pass, Work Permit as well as Passport. Second, you need to provide your employment letter. Third, you need to provide Tenancy Agreement, Phone Bills, PUB Bills, or Bank Statement, all of which reflect your salary.
You are required to meet some the requirements as follows when apply a foreigner loan in Singapore. To begin with, your age has to be 21 or above. And then, you have a full -time job in Singapore. Next, you have to provide valid E-Pass or S-Pass holder, as well as your latest 3 months payslip. In the end, you have to provide bank statements for the past six months, appointment letter from your company as well as existing residence tenancy agreement including original PUB billing statement and mobile phone bill statement.
When you apply foreigner loan in Singapore, it is highly recommended that you look for and consult with various banks or financial institutions so as to weight their pros and cons. Some banks offer this kind of loans with flexible payment schemes, as well as favorable interest rates. After doing an adequate and appropriate research, you are most likely to get the ideal one. For security, you'd better turn to licensed and certified lenders and financial institutions for these loans. As long as you have a certain amount of stable income, you are free to apply for a personal loan for foreigners in Singapore.