With Silverfrost Mountains expansion available last Wednesday, it would have been a good chance to earn Soulstones and Moonstone in Soulstone Plains. Actually it is difficult to accomplish the goal. Here Safewow offers some advice about how to improve Soulstone Plains.
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1. There should be a balance between melee and ranged classes.
With the release of Silverfrost Mountains, many players have found that it is impossible for melee classes to earn credits in Soulstone Plains. The melee class cannot kill those giant mobs that needed for the faction dailies, though they are the one who need to take most of the damage. However, the ranged classes, like the FM, Summ and WL are using skills far from the AOE.
Because of the imbalance between melee and ranged class, people’s game play experience has been greatly affected. Here offer a few ideas to make a balance. For example, reduce ranged attack damage on certain mobs or give them reflect sometimes. Or melee classes take less damage from boss AOE. Or change bosses so they can actually attack ranged classes.
2. Terrors/blood manes need to stop grabbing repeatedly.
As of right now, being in sight of one is far too punishing. There’s no escape from it. But instead, here’s one of two options: Terror only start grabbing when reduced to 95% or terror grabs have a cooldown of 30 seconds and it allows the person to get away while keeping terrors as a legitimate threat.
3. Dragon pulses flying to the middle field should be removed.
Dragon pulses do not obviously tell you where they are going. Mousing over them on the map highlights where they will send you, though that’s sometimes not terribly helpful when there’s a ton of vertical difference. It is a hugely unjustified waste of time. It feels as if this area is expanded to provide an illusion of developing while almost all of it is empty grass.
So when in any dungeon, press escape and select “escape” in the options to teleport back to the entrance. Work for all dungeons reduces your travel time and you don’t need that dragon pulse at all.
4. There should be no defeating eight warriors.
As of right now, it seems that no single person considers them worth killing and regards them as a legitimate threat. Defeating them is not a challenging task. Thus, as mobs, they serve zero purpose.
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