Every gardener knows that winter weeds can be a real problem. They can ruin the look of your garden, and make it difficult to keep things looking neat and tidy. But there are ways to handle winter weeds, and with a little bit of effort, you can keep your garden looking great all winter long.
What are weeds?
Weeds are basically just wild plants, plants growing where they are unwanted. Common examples are things like dandelions, crabgrass and ground ivy. They aren’t necessarily bad in all cases but it’s recommended you remove them as early as possible as a lot of varieties can be invasive and overwhelm your garden if given the chance. A key tip for this is to clean your tools after weeding a section of your garden. This removes the chance of you dragging any seeds across the garden with you and allowing the weed to spread. We also argue against weed killers and chemicals as they often do more harm than good and if you regularly maintain your garden and keep on top of weeds, it should be easily manageable.
Winter weeds are especially problematic because they can germinate and grow when other plants are dormant. This can give them a competitive advantage and make them difficult to control. Their growth can be more pronounced and it can be harder to deal with them in rock hard soil.
We are Alpha Zeta, a garden and lawn maintenance team based in Palm City, Florida. Our owner, Chuck Smith, started the business in 1985 and we have served Palm City’s every gardening need for over 30 years, expanding the team and range of services along the way. For help maintaining and caring for your garden, contact us today at http://alphazetaent.com/ Tips for handling winter weeds
Start by identifying the weeds in your garden. There are many different types of winter weeds, so it's important to know what you're dealing with. Some of the more common annual winter weeds in the US are deadnettle, common chickweed, annual bluegrass, wild mustards, prickly lettuce, and rabbitfoot clover. Some people do not consider these plants as weeds, as some can also be used for food or have been used for medicinal purposes. Though, it is generally advised that you keep these varieties to a minimum in your garden.
Once you've identified the weeds, you can start to treat them. There are many different weed killers on the market, but in most cases, you will want to dig up the weeds. This is especially true for deep-rooted weeds but using weed killer damages your garden and makes growing things more difficult so we really advise against it. Regular maintenance reduces the need for weed killer and is far better for your garden so we recommend reaching for the trowel before the spray bottle. Just make sure to clean your tools during each section of weeding as this reduces the chance of you accidentally carrying seeds with you without noticing.
If you have a lot of weeds, you may need to consider using a mulch. This can help to prevent new weeds from growing, and it will also make your garden look neater. There are different types on the market but bark mulch is often considered good for killing weeds.
With a little bit of effort, you can easily handle winter weeds. By following these tips, you can keep your garden looking great all winter long.