I love dogs and recently I’ve been wondering as to why dogs always make me so happy and I believe I’ve finally managed to crack the code. The reason I love dogs is because of their attitude to life, that ability to live life to its fullest. I think there is a lot we can learn from them in terms of how to live our lives and how to approach our business. Because the most successful among us aren’t simply lucky, they are dogs.
Here’s a list of attributes most dogs have that I think we all need if we are to be successful in business and life:
They don’t overthink anything
They are incredibly persistent
They will work until they drop
They are incredibly loyal
They are instantly forgiving
They never give up
They will keep chasing relentlessly
They are always happy to see people
They have a super positive attitude
They expect success
When they don’t achieve success it doesn’t phase them
They are endearing
They are great at selling themselves
When I see dogs out and about when I’m on my regular local walks, they always make me smile. When I see them greet strangers, chase balls and demonstrate a positive excited happy attitude to be out enjoying the simple things in life, it reminds me to “be like a dog”, relentless but positive, happy but eager, hungry and determined.
This mentality is key to growing your business and achieving more than you truly believe possible. In our daily lives, it is so easy to get bogged down in the day-to-day and grow frustrated or tired. However, if we approach things with a positive and new perspective, we can start to make major strides.
Building a business isn’t easy. In the early stages, there will likely be more stumbling blocks than successes but if we reshape our thinking around those stumbling blocks, we can start to bounce back faster. Don’t view failure as a negative thing, view it as an opportunity to grow and be like a dog. Be persistent, never give up, be positive and don’t let your failure define you.
So if the metaphorical ball you are chasing ends up floating down the river, remember what a dog would do…
Don’t dwell on it, chase a new ball!
To your success,
Grant Stain
CEO - Blam Websites Ltd