Man1health · Newsroom

Sore Male Organ - 5 Lovemaking Tips that Make Intimacy Less Painful
Rest is best for a sore male organ. But guys who simply must get busy can follow these tips in order to avoid more pain.

December 18, 2014

Shower Coupling – Keep it Safe and Fun with these 3 Tips
There are many reasons to like shower coupling, but special considerations should be taken into account. Keep these three in mind for safe, fun shower time.

December 15, 2014

Sensual Tips That Go Beyond Sensual Activity – Pre-Play Fun
A man generally wants sensual tips that can help him reach coupling fulfillment. Sometimes, however, these tips involve things not directly associated with the act of penetration.

December 13, 2014

Better Lovemaking through Education – Learn about Her Sweet Spots
Women have more pleasure spots than men may be aware of. Learn about four erogenous zones and the positions that stimulate them here for better lovemaking.

December 13, 2014

Wrinkled Male Organ: Smoothing Out the Tool
Presenting a wrinkled male organ in an intimate situation can make a man feel insecure about himself at the worst possible time. Maintaining a healthy male organ boosts one’s self-esteem.

December 12, 2014

Raw Male Organ from Sensual Stimulation – What to Do
Is an abundance of sensual stimulation worth the raw male organ that may result? For most men, the answer is yes. Knowing how to treat raw organ skin can help.

December 12, 2014

Male Organ Health Hazard – Too Much Exercise Leads to Overtraining Syndrome
A man’s quest for a muscular build could, if he takes it to the extreme, negatively affect his male organ health, along with his overall well-being. Learn about overtraining syndrome here.

December 11, 2014

Male Organ Rash? 5 Household Items to Throw Out
Removing a few common household items could help a male organ rash subside. Here's where to start.

December 11, 2014

Manhood Warts - One Man's Story of Infection and Recovery
No man likes to discover manhood warts. Read up on one man's fight against bumps on his male organ.

December 10, 2014

Male Organ Bruising – A Guide to Injuries and Conditions
Causes of male organ bruising can range from minor to more serious. Here is what men should know about trauma to the manhood tissue.

December 10, 2014

Using Self-Stimulation to Relieve Stress: A Guide
Many men have excess levels of stress and tension in their lives, which can be problematic. One of the more enjoyable ways to relieve stress is through self-stimulation.

December 9, 2014

Self-Oral - Tips for Self-Administered Oral Gratification
Nearly every man is a fan of oral gratification; many have at least some curiosity about self-oral. Self-administered oral gratification is challenging, but these tips can provide some help for the curious.

December 9, 2014

Manhood Rash - 5 Foolproof Solutions to Kill the Itch
A male organ itch can be extremely disruptive. This five-step plan can help a man live with, and maybe even cure, a manhood rash.

December 8, 2014

Sensual Texting and More - Long-Distance Sensual Tips
In the age of sensual texting and video chats, sensual tips that take into account the realities of long-distance activity are needed. These can make for a more pleasurable experience.

December 8, 2014

Male Organ Health Crème – Benefits that All Men Can Appreciate
A male organ health crème can improve the look and feel of the male organ and may even boost sensation in some men. Here’s why.

December 7, 2014

Jock Itch Prevention – 5 Steps
For some men, jock itch is a recurring (and highly annoying) phenomenon. Learn how to treat and prevent it here.

December 6, 2014

Sore Male Organ Skin – When Urinary Incontinence is to Blame
For men who are dealing with urinary incontinence, a sore male organ may be one of the more unpleasant side effects. Here’s how to help.

December 6, 2014

Male Organ Size Disguise - Building a Bigger Pants Bulge
Men often feel judged where male organ size is concerned, and so may want to sport a pants bulge that implies a better-endowed package than is lying beneath in reality. Here are some fun ways to accomplish that.

December 5, 2014

Sore Male Organ After Intimacy - How to Soothe the Pain
A long night of intimacy could lead to a sore male organ. Here's what to do to make it feel better.

December 5, 2014

Sensual Christmas Gifts for a Naughty Holiday
Christmas is generally a wholesome, family-oriented holiday, but men can make it a bit naughty with the right sensual Christmas gifts.

December 4, 2014

Dry Male Organ Skin – 4 Care Steps
Dry skin is a real downer, especially when it’s found in the downstairs region. Men can take the following care steps to prevent and relieve dry male organ skin this winter.

December 4, 2014

Red Male Organ Quiz – 5 True or False Questions to Boost Knowledge
A red male organ can be triggered by several causes. Find out more, and learn how to heal the soreness.

December 3, 2014

Better Performance through Exercise – The Power of Kegels
Wouldn’t it be great if one simple exercise had the power to create better performance in bed? Good news - Kegels are one exercise that has proven benefits for men’s sensual health.

December 3, 2014

Male Organ Warts - How to Stay Safe During Intimate Play
There are several steps men can take in order to reduce their risk of male organ warts. Four tips are outlined here.

December 2, 2014

Dry Male Organ Relief – the Healing Benefits of Shea Butter
As the weather turns colder, men often develop cracked, dry male organ skin. One of nature’s oldest remedies may be the ticket to a smoother, suppler, healthier male organ.

December 2, 2014

Sensual Warm-Up – Lovemaking Tips
When a guy has a hard male organ, exploring new forms of sensual warm-up rather than plunging into intimate activity may not be on his mind – but he should think again.

December 1, 2014

Sore Male Organ - 4 Reasons Shea Butter Can Help
Healing a sore male organ is easier when men use a product that contains Shea butter. Here’s why.

December 1, 2014

Male Organ Sensation – A User’s Guide to Pleasure
Male organ sensation is an important aspect of sensual pleasure for men. Here’s what guys (and their partners) need to know to make the most of their sensual encounters.

November 30, 2014

Discussing Self-Pleasuring with a Partner – Sensual Confessions
It’s not news that men enjoy self-pleasuring, but actual confessions about this activity to a partner are rare. Yet such confessions can be useful and may even improve one’s love life.

November 29, 2014

Male Organ Odor in the Workplace – How to Avoid It
Can male organ odor have an impact on a guy's job? The workplace environment places a heavy emphasis on appropriate appearance and presentation, which male organ odor can affect.

November 29, 2014

The Healthy Male Organ and Vitamin D - Good Mates
Vitamin D, the sunshine vitamin, factors into maintaining a healthy male organ. Men need to ensure that they are obtaining appropriate levels of this vitamin, especially in the winter.

November 28, 2014

Bedroom Performance Dysfunction – Causes a Psychologist can Help With
Sometimes the cause of bedroom performance dysfunction is psychological. Therapy can help with the following three causes.

November 28, 2014

Can Frequent Self-Pleasuring Protect against Prostate Cancer?
Are there health benefits to frequent self-pleasuring? Some research suggests it may help prevent prostate cancer.

November 27, 2014

Better Coupling with Games for the Ho-Ho-Holidays
Games can be an effective way to achieve better coupling for many partners, and the holidays present a unique opportunity for engaging in fun-filled lovemaking games.

November 27, 2014

Scaly Manhood Skin – Causes, Treatments and Hints for Healing
What causes scaly manhood skin, and is there any way to treat it? Find out here.

November 26, 2014

Public Tumescence – How to Hide the Bulge
While frequent hard-ons are a sign of good health, most men loathe public tumescence. Here are 8 tips for hiding the bulge.

November 26, 2014

Dry, Itchy Male Organ Skin - A Moisturizer Can Help
A moisturizer can be a great help for dry, itchy male organ skin. Here's why.

November 25, 2014

Red, Sore, Itchy Manhood - Why It Happens and What to Do
A red, sore, itchy manhood could be a sign of balanitis. Here’s what to do about this uncomfortable and embarrassing condition.

November 25, 2014

Itchy Male Organ on the Road - Travel Tips for the Scratching Man
When a man is preparing to travel, he doesn't want to bother with an itchy male organ. The occasional scratch is fine, but no man wants to be constantly tugging at the organ while vacationing.

November 24, 2014

Better Sensual Activity Through Music: Setting the Mood
Can what's playing in the background influence whether one has better sensual activity? Mood music can facilitate a seduction or help increase the intensity of a sensual encounter.

November 24, 2014

Male Organ Health Issues for Men with Diabetes
Men with diabetes are particularly susceptible to certain male organ health problems. Learn about three of them here.

November 24, 2014

Itchy Male Organ Causes that are Contagious
Some causes of an itchy male organ are contagious. This article looks at two causes of the itch that spread easily.

November 22, 2014

Red Male Organ - Normal or Cause for Worry?
Is a red male organ cause for a man to worry? Sometimes the redness can be normal, but other times it may require a man’s care and attention.

November 22, 2014

Sore Manhood - 6 Common Household Items That Cause It
A man’s personal care products can negatively impact his male organ health. Find out more about the common, everyday items that can cause a sore manhood.

November 21, 2014

Red Male Organ Worries After a Lap Dance - One Man's Story
One man shares his story of developing a red male organ after getting a lap dance. What could have caused it? What did he do to fix it? Find out.

November 21, 2014

Prepuce Problems? Here’s How to Help
Prepuce problems can land a man in a world of pain, discomfort and embarrassment. Here’s what to do when these unpleasant issues crop up.

November 20, 2014

Male Organ Bumps – 4 Contagious Causes
No man likes to see male organ bumps. What is causing them? Can he spread them? The following are four contagious causes of bumpy rashes on the manhood.

November 20, 2014

Male Organ Health and Vitamin E: How Much Do Guys Really Know?
How does vitamin E relate to male organ health? This quiz shows men what they know and what they don’t.

November 19, 2014

Male Organ Pain and Burning – Could it Be a UTI?
Male organ pain and burning during urination may be signs of a urinary tract infection (UTI). Here’s what men should know about this potentially serious problem.

November 19, 2014

Itchy Male Organ Shave - When One's Partner Handles the Razor
Shaving one's itchy male organ is something that many men enjoy; it's even more pleasurable when one's partner lends an active hand in the shaving process, creating a sensual bonding experience.

November 18, 2014