Man1health · Newsroom

Sensually-Induced Headaches: Signs and Treatment
Sensually-induced headaches can destroy an otherwise wonderful enjoyable experience. Knowing the signs and how to treat these annoyances can improve a man’s intimate life.

February 6, 2015

Dry Male Organ Problems? Two Ingredients to Seek Out in a Lotion
Nobody likes dry skin – especially not dry male organ skin. Men should use extra caution when selecting a product for dealing with a dry manhood to avoid irritation. The following two ingredients are good moisturizers to seek out.

February 4, 2015

Anti-Valentine’s Day – Hilarious Gifts for Lovers
Anti-Valentine’s Day is still something to celebrate. Learn about some snarky, hilarious gifts to make a lover laugh this year.

February 3, 2015

Performance Dysfunction – Is Obesity the Source?
Performance dysfunction can wreak havoc on a man’s mental and physical health. There are a number of potential causes, one of which is excess weight. Men should consider whether this is a causal factor for their condition.

February 2, 2015

The Fat Male Organ: How Important is Girth?
The girth of the male organ varies from man to man, but does a potential partner have a preference where a fat male organ is concerned?

February 1, 2015

Sensual Tips - Making the Bedroom More Intimate
Sensual tips can help men improve their romantic encounters. When considering such tips, remember that the condition of the bedroom has an impact on sensual activity.

January 31, 2015

Male Organ Odor = Date Disaster - Bringing It Under Control
Uncontrolled male organ odor can result in a major date disaster. Men want to make sure they take appropriate steps to eliminate unwanted male organ odor before an outing with a potential partner.

January 30, 2015

Valentine’s Day Gifts with Some Heat - Sensual Toys for Couples
The search for perfect Valentine’s Day gifts is on. This year, why not invest in presents that both partners can enjoy together? The following list of sensual toys will help guide men and their partners to greater pleasure.

January 28, 2015

Male Organ Bumps – When Not to be Concerned
While some causes of male organ bumps require treatment, others are natural and harmless. Men can learn about three types of bumps that may affect the male organ but are not causes for concern here.

January 27, 2015

The Numb Male Organ - Restoring Feeling to the Tool
It's hard to fully enjoy coupling when one has a numb male organ. Restoring lost sensitivity (or preventing it from occurring) enables a man to enjoy sensual pleasure to the fullest.

January 12, 2015

Itchy Male Organ Problem - Latex Allergies and Rubber Barrier Protection
An itchy male organ is a common problem for many men, but it may present a special problem for those with a latex allergy, as it may make using rubber barrier protection an issue.

January 12, 2015

Red Male Organ Quiz: Match the Symptoms with the Condition
Most men probably aren’t aware of the many potential causes of a red male organ. They can test their knowledge with the following quiz.

January 10, 2015

Firm Male Organ Play: Dressing a Tumescent Tool for a Lover
A firm male organ is handy for satisfying coupling urges, but a tumescent tool can also be used for more lighthearted sensual play aimed at incorporating some humor.

January 10, 2015

Better Lovemaking with These 5 Exercises for Men
Exercise is beneficial to several areas of one’s life, including lovemaking. Learn the best exercises for better lovemaking.

January 10, 2015

Self-Pleasuring Tips - Do’s and Don’ts for Maximum Pleasure
Most men likely consider themselves masters of self-pleasuring, but there’s always something new to learn. The following do’s and don’ts will help men make the most of their solo sessions.

January 9, 2015

Self-Pleasuring and Men’s Health: Many Benefits
Most men are aware that self-pleasuring is not an unhealthy practice, contrary to religious and cultural taboos around it. But men may not be aware of the many health benefits self-pleasuring yields.

January 8, 2015

Sensual Tips - Getting Lucky
Every guy likes to get lucky when he's out on the town, but sometimes that luck is hard to come by. These sensual tips can help better prepare a man for a potential hook-up.

January 8, 2015

Sore Male Organ and Lovemaking - Is it Safe?
Physical love is a vital part of a relationship, so men might ignore the pain and make love with a sore male organ. That isn't always a good decision.

January 7, 2015

Male Organ Odor – Help! What’s That Smell, and How Can I Get Rid Of It?
Male organ odor can be tough to eliminate, and it can be an embarrassing problem. This article discusses the potential causes of that fishy aroma and what can be done to stop it.

January 7, 2015

Male Organ Health and Function – Stepping It Up in the New Year
The start of the new year is the perfect time to take steps to improve male organ health and function. These tips can make this the best year yet for a man’s favorite body part.

January 6, 2015

Manhood Health Quiz - What Does the Male Organ Really Need?
How much does the average guy really know about manhood health and the things his organ needs? Find out with this quick quiz.

January 6, 2015

Understanding Smegma – What Is It, and How Does It Affect Male Organ Health?
Smegma is generally thought of as off-putting and unpleasant, but does it actually serve an important purpose? Get the facts about this misunderstood substance.

January 5, 2015

Male Organ Injury – A Guide to Avoiding One
When it comes to male organ health, it’s important for men to understand both what they should and should not do with their members. The following advice can help men avoid male organ injury.

January 5, 2015

Lovemaking Quiz - What Things Should Men Know?
Do men know more than the basics about lovemaking? This quiz can help to answer that question.

January 3, 2015

Male Organ Rash Quiz: Causes and Treatments
Managing a male organ rash might seem simple, but are all rashes straightforward? There are several different causes of rashes and, therefore, different treatment methods. Take this quiz to find out more.

January 3, 2015

Male Organ Health in the New Year – 6 Resolutions
While many people make New Year’s resolutions for overall better health, men may do well to make a few that promote better male organ health in particular. Men can find six such resolutions here.

January 2, 2015

Delayed Release – Causes and Treatments
Lasting a long time sounds like a dream to most men, but for some, delayed release is a real problem. Learn the various types and causes of this condition, as well as common treatments.

January 2, 2015

Peeling Male Organ Skin – What It Means and How to Treat It
Peeling male organ skin may be nothing more than dryness, but it could also indicate an underlying health problem. The causes and risk factors are discussed here, as well as at-home tips for calming distressed skin.

January 1, 2015

Better Sensual Activity Tips - Location, Location, Location
Finding the perfect location can aid in finding paths to better sensual activity as well, especially for couples that have been together for a while. New locations can create a fresh context for sensuality.

January 1, 2015

Making Sensual Fantasies Come True
Sensual fantasies are part of every man’s robust intimate life; introducing some of these fantasies to his partner may be a path to even better sensual activity.

December 31, 2014

Taming the Firm Male Organ Self-Stimulation Control Strategies
There’s nothing quite like a little self-stimulation for a bit of fun, but when one’s firm male organ controls one’s activities, a little willpower and strategies are needed to correct the situation.

December 31, 2014

Male Organ Warts - How Long Do They Last?
Male organ warts can sometimes last for a very long time, unless a man gets the right kind of care from a professional.

December 30, 2014

Safe Lovemaking Advice – Lube Ingredients to Avoid
Barrier protection and lubrication are the staples of safe lovemaking, but not all lubricants are created equal. Learn what ingredients to avoid.

December 30, 2014

Performance Dysfunction – Are the Winter Blues to Blame?
For some men, performance dysfunction is a constant problem; for others, it might come and go. If performance problems only occur in the winter, seasonal depression may be the cause.

December 29, 2014

Sensual Health – Know the Common Lovemaking Myths
Men may be concerned about their sensual health for no good reason. The following lovemaking myths deserve dispelling.

December 29, 2014

Sore Male Organ - Why It's Happening and What to Do
Read up on a few of the most common sore male organ triggers, and learn how to keep them from impacting a man’s lap.

December 27, 2014

Male Organ Pimples: One Man Talks about What to Do and What to Avoid
No man likes to find a pimple on his manhood. Read about what one man did to manage his male organ pimples, and find out what you should do differently.

December 27, 2014

Male Organ Abnormalities – Less Common than One Might Think
Many men fear they have a “weird” male organ. The following list of some uncommon male organ abnormalities that negatively impact health will put most men’s minds at ease.

December 26, 2014

The Exposed Firm Male Organ - Excuses when Caught with One’s Pants Down
When a firm male organ calls, a man often answers with a spirited round of self-stimulation. But what can he say when that private exercise of sensual satisfaction gets interrupted unexpectedly?

December 26, 2014

Male Organ Discoloration – Normal Variation or Cause for Concern?
Male organ discoloration is rarely serious, but it sometimes requires treatment. Learn more about the causes, symptoms and treatments here.

December 24, 2014

Atypical Sensual Activity in the Snow: Risking a Raw Male Organ for the Frosty Adventure
Some purveyors of atypical sensual activity may experiment with coupling in the snow and ice; men should be aware that a raw male organ, if not a frostbitten one, may result.

December 24, 2014

Sensual Tips for Chubby Lovers
Lovers can be tender and passionate, whatever their frame; sometimes, however, men with a bit of excess baggage may benefit from sensual tips that address extra weight issues in bed.

December 23, 2014

Sensual Toys - Getting an Inflatable Doll in Bed
The rise in popularity of sensual toys means men are finding new ways of exploring their sensuality. An old standby, the inflatable doll, is one of many ways to add spice to one’s routine.

December 23, 2014

When Mutual Self-Pleasuring Isnt So Mutual
Although coupling is a magnificent experience, mutual self-pleasuring can provide a welcome change of pace for a couple. It may, however, require a little practice to make it perfect.

December 22, 2014

Red Manhood? 4 Prepuce Tips to Make it Better
Red male organ problems are often caused by the prepuce. Here's what to do to resolve the issue.

December 22, 2014

Dry Male Organ and Face – Moisturizers for Men
For men, winter often brings with it facial flakiness and dry male organ skin. These sensitive areas require special types of moisturizers.

December 20, 2014

Self-Pleasuring Tips - Chopping the Morning Wood
Waking up with a painfully firm male organ, the phenomenon known as morning wood, is something every guy experiences. Deciding whether to take action or just ignore it can be difficult. Consider the following self-pleasuring tips.

December 20, 2014

Fat Male Organ Pride - Owning One’s Overly-Wide Manhood
Men are often derided for possessing an overly-wide member, but such derision reveals ignorance. In fact, a fat male organ is very likely to bring about great satisfaction in partner-based sensual encounters.

December 19, 2014

Betters Sensual Activity in the New Year - Resolutions to Keep
What man wouldn't enjoy having more and better sensual activity in 2015? Making appropriate New Year's resolutions can have an impact on the action that a man gets in the future.

December 19, 2014

Lovemaking Positions for the Shower
How can partners take full advantage of the shower? Learning different lovemaking positions is a good place to start.

December 18, 2014