“When people ask me how much this is, they really don’t believe me,” says Prezioso. The cost for a family is $29.95 per month, and that includes all calls to the doctor and health advisor.
New York, NY - The phone rings, usually around dinner time. You answer it and you've won a "free" cruise, all expenses paid. You get the email that a wealthy businessman in England has just passed away and left you several million dollars. Those who are fortunate hang up the phone, and never respond to these emails. The hopeful venture into the darkness and waste plenty of precious time as well as their hard earned dollars hoping for instant gratification. It never comes. Eternal problems with the U.S. healthcare system has always bred its fair share of scams as well, whether aimed at the elderly over the phone, or from some "pie in the sky" internet claim evoking false hope. But what happens when the claims are actually real, the product works, and people really do benefit? This is what we discovered with The Access Organization, also referred to by their acronym, T.A.O. (taomembers.com)
“The Access Organization was created to provide an affordable healthcare solution” says Vince Prezioso, CEO and Co-Founder. “We feel that we’ve accomplished that with a program that is comprehensive, and provides excellent medication access as well as great service.” Members have access to 24/7 Board Certified Doctors over the phone or online video who can diagnose and prescribe medication, if necessary. You are able to speak with a doctor, and can even have a “face-time”-like experience with a doctor right from your phone, as well as send pictures if needed. To see a doctor, members have a Health Advisor service to research doctors, obtain the best rate possible, and even schedule the appointment for them. Advisors also arrange non-emergency surgical procedures, saving patients an average of 66% over the past year, as well as negotiate upcoming or outstanding medical bills with an average reduction rate of 50 to 70% over the past year as well.
T.A.O. also gives members access to over 6,000 brand-name monthly maintenance drugs for $25.00 per month or any group of brand-name maintenance drugs for $45.00 per month. This is regardless of the retail cost of the medication. Over 60,000 other brands and generics are also available at pre-negotiated rates. The only additional fee is a one-time $25.00 registration once the member is matched with their medication and agrees to receive it.
“When people ask me how much this is, they really don’t believe me,” says Prezioso. The cost for a family is $29.95 per month, and that includes all calls to the doctor and health advisor. The discounted rates will apply to the other services; dental, vision, hearing, prescriptions, diabetic supply, and vitamins. New members can sign up directly on the website, taomembers.com, and be active in three business days. You can also leave your information at bit.ly/2taoinfo and someone will reach you. To watch a brief two minute video about the program, go to bit.ly/2taovideo. Vince’s personal favorite is to direct new members to a webinar. He says, “It gives the best explanation of our product. I always say, give me ten minutes of your time, and I’ll show you how we can save you and your family thousands of dollars.” The webinar can be viewed at bit.ly/2learntao.
Prezioso had his own personal experience in the early days of developing The Access Organization when he was prescribed Vyvanse for ADD which was costing him $250.00 per month. He was able to get it through The Access Organization for $25.00 per month. “I saved about $8,000.00 in three years from my own program,” he says. "People tell me all of the time that it sounds too good to be true. I always tell them my personal testimonials, plus how much they can benefit, and that we offer a 30 day money back guarantee. For the price of a couple of beers, isn’t it worth finding out?” It is definitely an enticing offer, especially with the level of savings and convenience available. Would the average consumer want access to a team of healthcare professionals for them and their family for “thirty bucks” a month? Sounds like a “no-brainer,” if it’s real. Since we’ve verified that it is, we wish you the best on your savings.