Whilst most people head on a tour to Beijing to get a glimpse of the impressive Great Wall of China, Tiananmen Square or the infamous Forbidden City, the hugely impressive Mao Mausoleum can sometimes be forgotten about.
The Mao Mausoleum is the final resting place of Mao Zedong, who was the chairman of the central committee of the communist party of China from 1945 to 1976. Mao Zedong is a very important figure in China and an extremely impressive memorial hall was built to hold his body after his death.
Here, we take you through everything that you need to know when visiting the Mausoleum.
The Mao Mausoleum, or the Mausoleum of Mao Zedong as it is also commonly known, is located to the east of Tiananmen Square in Beijing.
Interesting information
Before visiting the attraction it is a good idea to have a bit of background knowledge on the history of the Mao Mausoleum, even though most quality escorted tours will be able to tell you their expert knowledge.
The Mao Mausoleum was built in 1976 and the opening ceremony took place in 1977 to celebrate Mao Zedong's life.
The mausoleum covers an area in the region of 57 thousand square metres, which includes the court and the memorial halls.
In the court there are two groups of clay figures that represent China's new democracy period and socialist construction period. The memorial halls on the other hand all lead to the main memorial hall where Mao Zedong is buried.
In the main hall there is a tall marble statue of Mao Zedong and this is where a lot of visitors pay their respects.
Some quick tips
For this point we take you through what you should bring and what you may need. More here türbeschläge https://xn--trbeschlge-expert-xqb26b.de/
You should not wear vests or slippers; those that do will not be allowed into the memorial halls. People should also take their hats off to pay their respects.
No cameras or video recorders are allowed inside the mausoleum as well as drinks, food, handbags and rucksacks.
Phones should be put on silent and anyone making too much noise will be ejected from the premises.
Group visits to the Memorial Hall of Chairman Mao are free to the public and are generally open from 8.30am-9pm. Sometimes the halls are shut for special occasions.