For a constant fruit and obtaining good quality fruit, the load of fruit branches should be reduced by operating as follows:
The thin, long and partially arched semisheet is shortened from the point of curvature, that is, above 2-4 fruit buds. If this skeleton is thick and uncut it is left longer, meaning it is reduced by 1/4 or 1/3 of its length.
The varieties that bear fruit predominantly on “spur” type seeds have a slightly numerous and short semi-skeleton, so it will be prudently shortened, but the tufts located on these will be rarefied at 12-15 cm and the aged fruit glasses will regenerate, shortening- above 1-3 was postponed.
It works on each snake (thick branch) separately, starting from its top down as follows:
the peak is left a single vegetative branch that shortens by 1/3 of length.
the branches of the semichelet are rare at 30-40 cm from each other.
Each branch of the semi-skeleton is shortened more strongly towards the top of the slope, less at the base, so that it acquires a conical appearance and the whole tree is lightened at the top more than at the base.
The fruit slices in the gut
The gulp bears fruit on snails and horns. The fruit cuttings consist in shortening the semi-skeleton above 3-5 mules, possibly shortening them on the short half-skeleton 10-15 cm apart. With the Australian Timber Trainers Association this is essential.
The work proceeds as follows: the crown is first aired and then, if necessary, the semi-skeleton is shortened and the macules are scarce. The greedy slugs that appear abundantly in the gut are treated differently according to the position they have in the crown (the vigorous ones in the middle of the crown are totally suppressed, and those in the periphery become scarce and then shortened by 1/2 or 1/3 of the length. become branches of semi-skeleton).
The fruit and plum and apricot cuttings
The plum and apricot fruit on the same categories of fruit buds, have compatible growth and fruiting biology and therefore the fruit carvings are executed according to similar rules.
Some of the varieties, such as: Stanley, Anna Spath, D'Agen, Red Nectarine in Plum and Royal, Mamaia in apricot, predominate on May bouquets. These varieties require fewer cutting operations, as they have larger crowns. Varieties dominated by the medium and long branches, such as Romanian Vanat, Italian Vanat, Tuleu fat, Renclod, D'Althan form thick crowns, the branching advancing rapidly and therefore requires more cuts.
Varieties in the first category require the shortening of the semi-skeleton on which the more than 1 / 3-1 / 2 lengths are located, as well as the shortening of the long vegetative branches by 1 / 4-1 / 3 in order to transform them into the young semi-skeleton carrying bouquets.
In the varieties of the second group (standard type), the medium branches are reduced to 12-15 cm from each other and the semi-skeleton on which they are placed is shortened. Long fruit branches (over 35-40 cm), as well as vegetative vines shrink 15-20 cm from each other and then shorten by 1 / 4-1 / 3 of their length.
About the Company: Towie Timber Training (TTT) provides nationally recognised training, safety and a consultancy service specialising but not confined to the forestry and timber products industry. TTT is a family business based in Mandurah, Western Australia. Bill Towie is the principal of TTT and a Forester with 40 years of experience in Forestry and aligned industries in Western Australia. Bill understands the pressures, difficulties and needs of the industry in Western Australia.