In the present-day world of cutting edge tools and technology when rapid developments in scientific fields have fuelled materialistic progress, modern man has lost the sense of an exhilarating life and, instead, is witnessing a downfall in moral standards due to lack of spiritual knowledge and guidance. Righteous spiritual knowledge raises our consciousness and enables us to realise the full intended power of the human spirit when charged with the care of the human soul. This gives us fresh insights in understanding the meaning and purpose of our lives and experiencing the true contentment and fulfilment in a victorious relationship with God.
If you want to understand The Lord’s messages in the Bible or to receive spiritual guidance which would inspire you to make changes in your life, then The Website of The Lord is especially for you. This is a unique website that took many months of ongoing development effort in bringing it to fruition. The site has been solely developed to promote the life style inherent in Christianity and thereby to spread the messages of The Lord as sources of inspiration in transforming lives. The Website of The Lord has thousands of truth statements comprising the messages of The Lord - as they underscore the importance of human values such as brotherhood, kindness, compassion, universal love, empathy, non-violence, altruism and many others - those values of importance as we interact with one another and with our Loving God.
The site, while having a wealth of wisdom, knowledge and information about The Lord’s messages, also contains Divine commentaries on three prophetic Bible books - The Book of Daniel, The Book of Revelation and The Book of Ezekiel, the latter of which imparts detailed knowledge concerning God's expectations for His servants in their willing servanthood. Online visitors can easily go through the Divine commentaries that are each grouped by chapter in their individual Clay pots. Thus with the help of this site you can easily view all the content of the book 'God Speaks of His Return’ as the individual messages of God for these end-times which are contained in 176 morsels in 7 categories. Likewise, this site also contains all the content from ‘God Speaks in His Scrolls’ which lists in 165 scrolls in 11 categories of great relevance for today.
Besides this, the site is supported by The Advent Charitable Trust based in Hamilton in New Zealand which is a non-profit organisation working for the educational Christian welfare of all who would desire in the hearts to know more of The Lord Jesus as The Christ. If you are a devoted Christian and would like to make charitable donations to help your less fortunate brothers and sisters as they seek The Lord then you can easily do so through the site. In addition to this, if you want to know about End Time Revelations or The Lord’s prophecies of His return and the preparation required by man for his future dwelling in the presence of God then you should visit the site online. Get ready for a new journey of discovery of life through disclosure of the reason for man's mortality and of what lies in man's future existence beyond the grave at the site There is also a sampling of some of The Lord's messages posted at