Most of the car owners do not know how the AC unit in the automobile actually operates. All they understand is that they want to get cold air whenever they turn on the AC unit. In fact, the way a car’s air conditioning system works is quite simple to understand. For example, the compressor can pump the refrigerant gas into the condenser situated near the vehicle’s radiator which then turns the refrigerant into liquid. In fact, this particular liquid is pushed inside the evaporator which is then forced through the opening as well as removed the gas thereby picking the heat inside the car and also taking it inside the compressor. The next step is to start the entire circuit again. The heat can be removed if the hot gas enters the condenser. In fact, the refrigerant is under pressure and then it may circulate continuously as long as this compressor of the vehicle is running. The compressor is then activated from the engine through a belt and it means that the engine is running so as to make the air cool and pleasant.
In the recent times, there are multiple companies that may help the car owners to get hold of the best air conditioning units for their vehicles. When it comes to air conditioning system of an automobile, the name of Subros Limited should always come to your mind. Indeed, it works closely with the customers in designing, manufacturing as well as supplying multiple thermal management systems of the vehicles.
Indeed, this company has grown from a capacity of fifteen thousand air conditioning units in 1985 into the largest and also the only integrated manufacturing unit in India for automobile air conditioning system. This company manufactures heat exchangers, compressors, condensers and other devices of air conditioning system for buses, trucks, railways, passenger vehicles and so on.
Subros Ltd. LGF, World Trade Centre,
Barakhamba Lane, New Delhi - 110001
Phone No: +91-011-23414946-49 +91-011-23414945
Email Id:
[email protected]