There are a number of ways to grind cannabis if we don’t have a grinder, but grinders speed up the process and offer perks like kief catchers. A kief catcher refers to the bottom chamber below the screen that gathers all the potent crystal kief knocked off the buds in the grinding process. We can scoop the kief out and add it to the top of our bowl, or use it later to press our own hash or cook edibles. Above the screen, we will find the grinding chamber with “teeth,” or the blades that do all the work. The lid of the grinder attaches to this part, and metal grinders typically have a magnet to help keep things secure as we grind.
Steps of using best weed grinder.
Step 1: Take off the top lid. Use our fingers to break bigger buds up and place them in between the grinder’s teeth. Don’t bother putting any bud in the direct center – this is where the magnet pivots, so nothing in the center will get shredded.
Step 2: Replace the top of the grinder and give it about 10 rotations, until all the bud has fallen through the holes. We can remove the top and tap it against the grinder’s side to help loosen up any sticky pieces stuck in the teeth.
Step 3: Unscrew the chamber with the teeth to find the basket layer holding all our freshly ground cannabis. Load it into our pipe, joint, or blunt and enjoy.
Step 4: Once we have collected some kief in the bottom chamber, scrape some out with a piece of paper or the scraping tool provided. Again, we can sprinkle kief onto a bowl to make it more potent, or save it for something else.
While performing the above steps as per Stoned Ginie we should be careful with metal scrapers, as they can scrape aluminum particulates along with our kief.
Stoned Genie
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