During your job search, it's easy to get overwhelmed with the volume of applications you receive from potential candidates. As the number of applications increases, it can feel like you're drowning and unable to keep up, especially when you might receive hundreds of applications for one open position. How do you ensure that every application you receive gets reviewed, without falling behind on your workload? How do you sift through the good and bad to find the top talent while avoiding applicants who aren't a good fit? And how do you accomplish all this while still being fair to every candidate?
What is the best way to screen candidates?
The best way to screen candidates is by using an applicant tracking system with built-in resume scanning and candidate relevance ranking. This can save you a lot of time by only requiring you to review a small number of resumes each week.
Do you need to screen applicants?
In order to find the best candidates, you need to screen applicants. This can be a time-consuming process, but there are ways to automate it. One way is by using SquaREcruit's smart % relevance feature. This applicant tracking solution can save you 95% of your time by scanning resumes and ranking candidates according to their relevance. So instead of reviewing 200–500 resumes, you can only review 25. This will help you save time in your job search and find the best candidates more quickly.
What if it was possible to focus on the strongest candidates?
You can with SquaREcruit, an applicant tracking solution that uses smart % relevance to automatically screen resumes. This means that you can review 25 resumes a week instead of 200–500. That's a 95% time savings! Not to mention, you'll be focusing on the most relevant candidates. So if you're looking for a way to streamline your job search, SquaREcruit is the solution for you.
How does SquaREcruit help automate your recruiting?
SquaREcruit's smart % relevance feature allows you to screen resumes quickly and easily. By ranking candidates according to their resume content, you can save yourself time and energy in your job search. With SquaREcruit, you can review only the most relevant resumes, which means you can focus your time on interviewing the best candidates.
How can we save you more time?
We know that job searching can be time-consuming, so we've created a way to help you automate your CV screening. With our smart % relevance feature, you can quickly identify the most qualified candidates for your open positions. This way, you can spend your time interviewing the best of the best, instead of wading through hundreds of resumes. So how does it work?