Nose piercing is an old type of body modification. It is mentioned in the Bible and was first recorded in the Middle East 4000 years ago. But there is information that nose piercing started even around 6000 years ago. Nose piercing was widespread among the ancient nomadic Berber tribes of Africa, the Bedouins of the Middle East. The larger the ring was, the wealthier was his wearer. The nose ring was also given as the gift at the wedding- the husband gave it to his wife as the sign of protection to her if she would be divorced.
In India, nose piercings were brought in the 16th century by the Moghul emperors from the Middle East. Left nostrils were a common place for a piercing, but piercing in both nostrils was also met. A chain joining the ring with an ear was rather widespread. Left nostrils were prevalent in nose piercing because in India it was associated with female reproductive organs and they believed that the piercing of this place would make the childbirth easier.
In the late 1960's hippies travelled to India and they brought the tradition of nose piercing to the West Europe and America. Piercing of the nose symbolized rebellion against conservative values in punk culture and was very widespread in the late 1970's.
Nowadays many tribes in the Middle East and Africa still continue the ancient tradition and have their nose pierced. And in our society piercing is commonly done for the sake of beauty and style. Majority of celebrities has at least one piercing on their body and they show it to the whole world with pride. Janet Jackson, Sinead O'Connor, Lenny Kravitz, Madonna and may other celebrities have nose piercings.
There are three types of nose piercing: nostril piercing, nasal septum piercing and bridge piercing. Let's discuss all of them.
As it has already been mentioned above nostril piercing was widespread in India and the piercing of the left nostril was believed to make childbirth easier. Nostril piercing was also done in the ancient world to show the warrior status, religious reference and for many other reasons. Nowadays it's quite common to have one's nose pierced and it's not considered a rebellion or "punk". Any of nostrils can be pierced and the exact place of puncture is chosen by you and your piercing artist because there are some rules and advice for you to feel comfortable with your new piercing and it's important to choose the right place for it. As a rule a nose stud, a nose bone or pin are worn in nostril piercing. They look elegant and there is a wide choice of styles for you on the market nowadays.
Septum piercing is the piercing of the cartilage that separates the nostrils. Actually the puncture is done not through the cartilage, but in the sliver of thin skin near the septum. And this procedure would be almost painless. Circular barbells and captive bead rings are the commonly worn jewelry for septum piercing. Their size and style vary, so you can enjoy new outlook as often as you want. Gauging of septum piercing is also acceptable but it's a rather long process.
Bridge piercing is rather rare and looks unusual. It is placed on the upper part of the nose between the eyes. The risk of scaring and infection during bridge piercing procedure is rather high. This type of nose piercing is usually pierced with a straight barbell. If you decide to make bridge piercing, you'd better find out the detailed information about it and all the possible risks.
As any other piercing, nose piercing requires aftercare. Especially during first two months. Here are the main recommendations one with new nose piercing should follow.
Keep your piercing clean. Use saline solution at least twice a day. Don't touch your piercing and the jewelry. Wash your hands before you use cleaning solution. It's very important. Clean hands far from piercing and clean piercing are your guide to painless and quick healing process. And don't use hydrogen peroxide- it will bring more harm that good.
Be careful using a towel. And it would be better if you don't use it to dry your face at all. Blow your nose carefully. Make-up, the use of illegal medicine, smoking and taking out the ring will prolong the healing process.
If the piercing turns too red and swollen you can make an ice compress. If the pain is unbearable, consult your doctor.
After your piercing is completely healed you cam fully enjoy it and wear the jewelry you like. Make sure you don't have allergy on the most common jewelry materials such as gold, silver steel and titanium.