It is defined as the study of microorganisms that can’t be seen by the naked eye. The microorganism can be eukaryotes, prokaryotes, those do not contain any cells, single-celled or more than one cell. It comprises virus, bacteria and parasite study.
The microscope can be used to observe microorganisms. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek is known as the father of microbiology. These organisms play an important role in supplement cycling, environment changes, the cause of destruction and control of malady, nourishment decay and biotechnology.
It is the study of that organism that cannot be seen without using a microscope. Around 90% of nitrogen and 50% of the carbon produced by microorganisms. Almost all kind of process involves biodegradation, photosynthesis, digestion, and vitamins.
These are useful in producing beer through the fermentation process, cheese, vaccines, and antibacterial drugs. It is said that biotechnology is based upon microbiology. Carl worse proposed classification in 1970; these are divided into the five-kingdom system and three-domain system.
Three domain systems involve Bacteria, Archea, and Eucarya.
1. Bacteria are single called prokaryotes; the cell wall is made up of peptidoglycan. These are present in the soil, water, nose,
skin, mouth, and intestine. They have both harmful as well as beneficial effects.
2. Archea consist of an RNA sequence and the cell wall is made up of lipids. These occur where other life forms are hostile. Methanogens present made them unique from others. However, no pathogenic area has been found till now.
3. Eucarya is the eukaryote’s multicellular organisms that contain a true nucleus. Microorganisms present are fungi or protests. Animals and plants are also coming under this category.
It has both applied and basic aspects. The basic concept involves the biology of microorganisms and the study of different fields like mycology, protozoology, phycology, bacteriology, microbial genetics, microbial ecology, microbial taxonomy, etc. Whereas applied aspects concerns with water and wastewater management, food degradation and production, disease conditions, use of microbes in industries, medical microbiology, agricultural microbiology, immunology.
The study of microbes was also important because it was found that many people died due to some diseases prematurely, they also degrade crops that is why it becomes important to know about the cause and how to overcome it. It was done on a molecular physiological level. As microbiology is a subdivision of biology and there are various types of microbiologists.
• Bacteriologist: the studies carried out to know the details about bacteria and their harmful effects and uses.
• Clinical microbiologist: In this, the cause of the disease is found out and how the investigation is done to prevent it and cure it.
• Virology: a study of the virus is done under this subject.
• Parasitology: parasites are the organism which lives on other organisms and hence it becomes important to study about parasites.
• Cell biologists: Researchers experiment on how cell processes and functions take place in microorganisms.
In today’s world microbiology and technology go hand in hand. Earlier, it was not possible to carry out operations like developing, analyzing, experimenting, and modifying due to fewer approaches towards technology or machinery.
Since the world has changed new techniques are emerging which helps in various test studies, clinical trials and generate more accurate medicine rather than assuming. If someone is finding any difficulty while making this happens then they should prefer a microbiology assignment or microbiology homework help here at
Though it is a vast area to research and generate more efficient medicine, crops, and food, etc. Agarose gel electrophoresis polymerase chain reaction Recombinant DNA technology and chromatography are some of the examples of modern microbiology.
Some microorganisms can cause diarrhea, influenza, fever, and malaria these types of microorganisms are known as pathogens and this process is regarded as pathogenicity.
• Different kinds of media can be made and organisms can be grown for further uses.
• Diseases are diagnosed based upon which kind of bacteria is present.
• Sterilization is done by using various physical and chemical methods.
• Antibiotics can be prepared based on the knowledge of microbes.
• Industrial fermentation such as preparation of beer, vinegar, and other milk products.
The symbiotic relationship can be seen between microbes, humans, and animals. Food production, beverages, prebiotic and probiotic production other than that microbes are an essential part of the soil which helps plants to grow well. Microbes are used to treat cancer patients.
Microbiology is a very interesting subject. It is known to fill the students with pleasure. Our faculties keep on recommending this subject to the student. It is because it has many advantages. Given below are the reason why you should choose Microbiology as a subject.
You should know about yourself
Why do you fall ill? Have you ever thought about it? If you know the root cause, you can cure it. This is one of the major reasons behind studying Microbiology. One gets to know about the hazardous effects of poisonous chemicals or toxins in the body. Bacteria cells or bad food makes you ill.
How your cells get damaged? How new cells get developed in the body? If you want to more about it, you should take Microbiology. You should make a career in Microbiology.
You get to know about various diseases
When you study Microbiology, you come across many facts about your body. You have to study a disease or disorder such as meningitis, malaria, diabetes, a type of cancer, cystic fibrosis, or Alzheimer’s disease.
See how interesting it would be to know more about these diseases. It would be more interesting to do research on them. Just imagine how satisfied you would be after getting any medicine for it.
You can serve the society
You cannot be a doctor. But you can definitely serve your countrymen. It is possible by getting medicine for particular diseases. When you choose Microbiology, You get to know about diseases and disorders.
You get an opportunity to explore more and more. A basic understanding of cell biology, including genetics, will be as important as having some knowledge about computers and the Internet.
Some other facts
It is also important that everyone feels informed about how the increase in knowledge about cell biology could affect him or her and society in general. Society will have to make informed decisions about such things as growing organs for transplanting into humans and, in those areas where vitamin ‘A’ deficiency causes blindness, growing rice modified to produce the vitamin.
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