A Divorce Attorney in Pennsylvania Offers More than Just Divorce

Posted January 11, 2016 by russodivorcelaw

It is a sad day when a relationship breaks down and divorce seems the inevitable conclusion.

It is a sad day when a relationship breaks down and divorce seems the inevitable conclusion. The hopes and dreams that you will have shared together will be shattered and there is an emotional fear, often anger or frustration and a breakdown in communication.

Many couples may have tried marriage guidance counselling, or even taking a last holiday together to reconnect. Unfortunately, if the bond has been broken and the communication has stopped it is very difficult to rebuild the relationship.

The next step has to be to contact a divorce attorney; Pennsylvania based divorce attorney Peter J. Russo (http://www.russodivorcelaw.com/) has been practicing for many years and has built up an excellent reputation for handling a wide variety of family law cases. He is also an experienced mediator and you may find his services useful before engaging him as your attorney for a court case.

His mediation skills can be used to bring you and your partner together and attempt to find an amicable way forward. The mediation process is not aimed at rekindling your romance; it is to find a fair and amicable way to share the assets, finances and custody of any children you have. At all times the mediation process will look at the best way to look after everyone’s interests. Mediation is a much cheaper, quicker and more amicable way to settle a divorce and the court does not need to be involved.

Should this process fail, there will be no other option but to enlist the professional services of Mr. Russo and ask him to represent you in the courtroom. His associates and him have over one hundred years of combined experience and build on the experience gained by Mr. Russo since first practicing law as long ago as 1994.

As well as dealing with divorce mediation and the divorce process, the firm will handle any family law issue and assist with resolving child custody problems; whether in or out of the courtroom.

The firm’s website - http://www.russodivorcelaw.com/ is very well laid out and informative. You can contact Mr. Russo directly through the web or call him at 717-591-1755. They are available to talk anything over before you decide which course of action to take; and they will always have your best interests at heart.
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Issued By russodivorcelaw
Phone 888-743-4470
Business Address 5006 East Trindle Road, Suite 203 Mechanicsburg, PA 17050
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Tags russodivorcelaw
Last Updated January 11, 2016