I didn't understand you played devil's advocate, if that's the case. There is no point planning for the worst, because then it won't be exactly what the NoChanges urges want. I won't, nor will most of the people who pushed for WoW Classic, want to play with a frankenstein's monster of tokens,"class balancing" and other nu-wow features mishmashed in with 1.12 ones. It is NoChanges (the standard bulletpoints of what represents such) or bust. People who like nu-WoW will not be satsified with it, nor will the audience who brought the subject of WoW Classic servers in reality. They have to go NoChanges, and out of what information and hints have been given so far (excluding sharding, loot sharing) it looks that way. Also if people rebel against deviations that were stated and angrily loudly, blizzard can be steered better toward NoChanges
I concur blizzactivision is a terrible and different organization to the original. Let's just expect a multimillion dollar corporation can create a much better"blizzlike" expertise than french part-time devs at a cellar. If not, no stage playing. You should have the attitude, if anything I'd say. When nostalrius shutdown, the mindset people had. What do you think a company fears more? Quiet disagreement where their product doesn't attract controversy, or really passion that lambasts them round the area that is public? They are scared of terrible media.
Are you arguing that raiding is somehow made by farming raid consumables for hours better? The raid is the most part that is hard. Like Tea says, individuals with time can create WoW Classic Gold from selling to people who don't have time and have to buy tokens. It's fairly straightforward. Oh, and having a few folks wearing BoE's they purchased with WoW Classic Gold won't'ruin' the game. Raider's will have exclusive access to the majority of the things.
more in:https://www.mmogo.com/Wow-classic/Gold.html