Capillary Gas chromatography columns came with a variety of dimensions and stationary phases. The column's inner surface is coated with the stationary phase of a capillary column rather than being packed into the cavity. Gas Chromatographs are responsible for the separation process and are at the heart of the gas chromatograph. In analytical chemistry, GC is one of the most critical tools as it is very effective, sensitive, and easy to use. GC Column contains a stationary phase of a polymeric material.
The two types of GC columns are packed columns and capillary columns. Fused-silica capillary wall-coated open tubular (WCOT), porous-layer open tubular (PLOT), and packed columns provide the tightest column-to-column repeatability, the lowest bleed levels, and the highest inertness for acids, bases, and mixed functional chemicals. For sensitivity, performance, and integrity of analytical results they help ensure an inert GC flow path. With the highest level of assurance, Ultra Inert GC columns provide trace-level analysis, including the measurement of acids, bases, or other active chemicals.
To chromatograph, a broad range of trace level samples low bleed GC columns are designed and at a higher temperature it offers low bleed and high inertness. Capillary GC Columns are very popular and the stationary phase is being coated on its inner surface. The columns require smaller amounts of sample for the chromatography process and are preferred over the packed variants.
The GC capillary column is divided into two parts:
WCOT: Wall-Coated Open Tubular Columns is what this term refers to. It has a stationary liquid phase that is coated inside its walls.
SCOT: Support-Coated Open Tubular Columns is what this term refers to. It excludes the application of a stationary phase wall coating directly. Instead, the column's walls are lined with a support substance, such as diatomaceous earth. This substance absorbs the stationary phase.
As compared to the WCOT type of GC capillary column the support material in SCOT decreases its efficiency. These kinds are more efficient than the packed column GC. They give a higher resolution and they are a little expensive. The capillary column maintains a low pressure inside them.
Steps to choose GC column
• Sample Size
There is no longer a need for big sample injections because modern detectors are highly sensitive. Capillary columns should be the first option in such circumstances. However, packed columns can be taken into consideration if the detector sensitivity is poor because they have higher sample load capacities.
• Cost
As compared to capillary columns packed columns are less expensive. These columns have larger column bleed and lower resolution efficiencies.
• Resolution Power
Leading to the desired separation between closely spaced peaks capillary columns provide much better resolution.
• Time-saving
The capillary column can resolve components easily and increase laboratory throughput. It will increase the number of samples that can be analyzed at the same time.
• Ruggedness
Metallic columns can tolerate all types of handling and are rugged. This will affect the separation power and can disturb the packing inside the column.
• Sample Polarity
Stainless steel columns are helpful for the separation of nonpolar compounds and are made of stainless steel or glass whereas glass columns are suitable for polar compound separations.
GC equipment supplier
Inert gases such as helium, nitrogen, hydrogen, and argon carry volatile gaseous compounds which are separated by a gas chromatograph. The components of the gas chromatograph are a sample injector, flow controller, column oven, detector, and GC Column. The maximum temperature of GC instruments is typically 350C to 450C.
GC equipment supplier supplies several types of detectors which include: a flame ionization detector, a thermal conductivity detector, a flame photometric detector, and an even mass spectrometer. A robust standalone application utilized in many sectors, particularly environmental testing, is gas chromatography. However, it is also common to find GC apparatuses coupled to mass spectrometers, which allows for further mass analysis to improve GC separation. A gas chromatograph should have quick run times and reliable data collecting and analysis software.