More often, the victims of domestic abuse are women and children. Women sometimes marry men who look poise, perfect, and charismatic but then something unpleasant happens, such as, loss in business, and the charming men turn into abusers. To stay with an abusive man is the worst decision because the abuser can make you experience hell, which can damage your self-esteem and confidence. Yes, it is necessary to break the silence against this violence.
If you find yourself trapped in domestic violence situation, you need to know SURVIVOR BASICS. And, if you had been in a domestic abuse situation, congratulations for so courageously getting out of it! The bad phase of life is over, and it is time to give your life a fresh start. There is no time like the present to overcome the horrors of domestic abuse.
How to stop memorizing domestic abuse incidences and move on?
Dwelling in a painful past will keep you connected with the abuser, you must comprehend the past is over and it is time to move on. Below, we have illustrated a few ways that can help you to overcome the past and take one step forward towards a new life, where you can see a silver lining, as the dark clouds fade away.
• Seek out help from others who have overcome the ramifications of domestic abuse: Some people think 12 Step Programs are for addicts, however, the principles are the same. If you don't want old memories of domestic abuse to hound you anymore then look seek out or start your own meeting with other survivors of domestic abuse. The series explains the process of setting up meetings and taking precautions to stay safe.
• Accept the truth that the past is done: The past is the past so let it go….. If you constantly hold on to it, you will go crazy andstay stuck forever. Unleash your guilt, forgive yourself, and take a deep breath to let go of the toxicity that is housing your mind. You did your best in a bad situation. Realize the difficult and painful situation you have gone through to get this new life. The past is the past, it taught you a lesson, now let it go, and move on.
• Forgive yourself and your abuser(s):The task can be difficult for some people, or maybe you do not understand, forgiveness is not for the other person, it is for you.
You may feel that your abusive partner doesn't earn your forgiveness. However, practicing forgiveness will help you to achieve peace of mind, it detaches you from the abuser and the horrible past – it is for you and not for anyone else. Give yourself the gift of forgiveness so that you can move on.
• Read some related books about it: Reading books like 12-Step Programto Restoration, Getting Out Alive, Initial Beginnings, and Survivor Basics can be therapeutic. These books help you expel the old negatives, unhappy moments, guilt, and shame as these are factors that do not allow you to see a light at the end of the tunnel.
Purposed survivor
We at Purposed Survivor aim to support any individual who is a victim of domestic abuse and seeking help. We urge victims to ask for help either by walking extra miles to address the problem or by taking advantage of restoration programs that are given in 12 step restoration books available to you at Don’t let your past steal your new life from you, read these books to know how to restore and move forward.
Publisher - Writer's Publishing House
Purposed Survivor-