Irving, Texas, Mar 18, 2019 – There have been regular advances in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of prostate cancer. Understanding prostate cancer helps experts to develop advanced treatment options. The underlying causes of prostate cancer have not yet been discovered. The disease develops when specific genes controlling cell multiplication and division are damaged by viruses. Other factors such as environment also cause prostate cancer. During this time, abnormal cells form and multiply out of control to cause a malignant tumor.
"When a patient is diagnosed with low-risk prostate cancer, they should discuss their treatments with their physicians," said Dr. Echt. “There are several treatment options and best approaches available for this disease.”
Active surveillance is an option for patients with low-risk prostate cancer. This is where your condition will be monitored closely by the physicians. They will only administer treatment when the patient’s condition gets worse. Here are reasons why active surveillance should be considered:
• Treatment is not always an option – Treatment for low-risk prostate cancer is not necessary because it may lead to urinary, sexual and bowel problems.
• More often, prostate cancer is low-risk – A PSA test reveals most prostate cancers in men, and the cancers are usually low-risk meaning that the tumor is small and still contained in the prostate. A low PSA blood test indicates that the tumor is slow growing and may not be life-threatening.
• Active surveillance can improve your quality of life – A patient will undergo regular check-ups and tests including a rectal exam, PSA test, and prostate biopsy if required. If cancer grows, you'll receive treatment.
• Avoid treatment side effects – By preferring active surveillance, the patient (especially if they are older or have very poor health) can avoid the side effects that come with the treatment of prostate cancer. The side effects of treatments such as radiation or surgery include leaking urine, erectile dysfunction, painful bowel movements and more. Some of them are either long term or require corrective treatment.
“Your cancer care team will provide advice and guidance regarding treatment options for prostate cancer,” continued Dr. Echt. "Make them part of your decision-making process."
About The Prostate Seed Institute
The Prostate Seed Institute is one of the country’s leading pioneers in prostate cancer treatment including prostate seed implementation, a fast and painless procedure that effectively treats prostate cancer in its earliest stages. With a team of oncology experts and a state-of-the-art facility, the Prostate Seed Institute provides prostate cancer patients with the most comprehensive treatment available.
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