Presenttruthmn · Newsroom

Biblical Truth Ministries Working Selflessly Against Christian Persecution In Middle East
Biblical truth ministries against Christian persecution in Middle East by spiritually awakening the followers or believers of Christianity and offering the helping hands to the poor,

July 7, 2016

The Bible Truth Ministries – The God’s People
There are billions of people all over the world. Most of these people, whenever are in any problems, remember God & pray to him. These people pray to get help from the Almighty.

May 4, 2016

Present Truth Ministries: We Spread Mesasage In The Hearts Of New Converts
Present Truth Ministries, our main objective is to spread the message of Jesus Christ to your hearts. We have made so much effort to make more people aware about his message and belief. It is true that everything happens for a good reason.

March 22, 2016