Animals also need vitamins and minerals in their daily diet. Chloride and sodium are essential. The sodium is important for the functioning of the central nervous system while the chloride acts, among others, in the balance between the bases and acids in the stomach. Together, these two essential nutrients maintain the animal's water balance. For the proper Animal supplements this is the best option.
Salt deficiency in animal feed?
A deficit of salt in the diet of your flock can be easily remedied. By using animal feed salt as a dietary supplement, you can be sure that your animals will get the necessary minerals. A lack of salt can result from a diet low in sodium, from one-sided contamination of the crop, or from inferior grasses or hay. A lack of salt can have negative consequences on the health of your livestock. Contractures, a rough coat and a lack of appetite are among the many possible symptoms.
The solution? Salt for animal feed
Sea salt is an essential part of a balanced diet. It can be made available to animals as a lick stone or added to feed, but it can also be used as a (inexpensive) preservative in silage of forage grasses and corn. You have the choice between Salco Agro 0-1 fine salt and Salco Agro 1-3 salt with a higher grain size.
Food supplements are essential if you prepare your dog's ration yourself. This is because minerals and vitamins are not sufficiently present in the foods you choose (generally meat, vegetables and starches for a dog). It is important to prepare the ration with the help of a veterinary nutritionist, so that your dog or cat does not lack anything. If you do not feel ready to prepare a balanced meal for your animal every day, it is better to opt for an industrial feed, kibble or mash, which will cover all of your animal's needs.
Normally, a good diet based on kibble or mash is enough to cover your pet's daily needs. However, in some cases, it is necessary to administer food supplements to your dog or cat . Be careful, however, they must be used with caution, because an excess of them can prove to be much more disastrous than a deficiency!
About the Company: Located in Snowtown, South Australia, Salt Distributors have been manufacturing animal supplements for over 50 years. Our range of products is of the highest quality and we are always trialling new, innovative, ideas to increase the cost effectiveness of our products.