Pregnancy can be such a magical time; bringing life into the world can bring so much joy. It can also be extremely stressful for those who don’t have the proper means to provide for themselves and their new baby, that is where Precious Life Shelter an Orange County based non-profit, creates a safe space for new mothers to embark on this wonderful journey and get back on their feet.
Precious Life Shelter is an emergency, transitional, and single parent efficiency program providing a safe environment for pregnant woman with no other place to live.
The shelter provides woman who are facing an immediate financial, physical or emotional emergency which renders them unable to provide for themselves. The shelter provides a multi-step program to get each resident in a position to provide for themselves and flourish.
On May 20th 2017, SBGA sponsored volunteers dedicated their time to prepare rooms at the Precious Life Shelter The volunteers rolled up their sleeves and got to painting, cleaning, and moving furniture. They also brought with them supplies to donate to the residents of the shelter.
“Precious Life Shelter is a pretty special place – their hearts are really in what they do. Not only do they provide a place for homeless pregnant women to sleep, but they make it feel just like home, with furniture, carpet, paintings on the walls – the whole package. To them, it’s not just a place for someone to stay for a few days, but it’s a place someone can live and learn while they get back on their feet,” shared the head of the Volunteer Leadership Committee. “It was an honor partnering with Precious Life Shelter.
I loved seeing the people from the office replace their collared shirts with volunteer t-shirts and get their hands dirty for such a worthy cause. Everyone worked so hard and pitched in wherever help was needed. It’s pretty great that we had the opportunity to prepare homes for worthy women trying to get back on their feet. Picturing who they are made it more than worth it.”
Every quarter, SBGA supported volunteer teams dedicate time, effort, and tons of helping hands to community service projects such as the beach cleanup, the Harvest Food Bank, and the Orangewood Children’s Home.
“It has been truly inspiring to see the level of enthusiasm and involvement our team members have shown while taking part in these volunteer opportunities,” shared Vice President of SBGA, Nathan Jurczyk. “We have seen an overwhelming desire from our team to help those in need within our community.” SBGA plans to continue its volunteer projects and are always looking for new organizations to donate their time and resources to.
About Precious Life Shelter
Precious life is committed to creating family values in a loving, caring and safe environment. Their program is life changing for those in need of their support. The program gives mothers the opportunity to learn life skills to be able to be a mother and provide for their child while becoming independent.
About the Small Business Growth Alliance
Building off nearly two decades of experience, the Small Business Growth Alliance (SBGA) is a leading provider of back office solutions to businesses throughout the United States. SBGA Alliance Partners have been recognized by Inc. Magazine, have received the coveted President’s Award and are accredited members of the Better Business Bureau.
SBGA provides members with essential products, services and educational resources that allow business owners to successfully address essential business needs — from internet marketing, search engine optimization and electronic payments to payroll and accounting services, SBGA offers the very best in total back office management solutions.
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