Flexible packaging is the most common type of packaging that can be used for packaging practically anything, from solids to liquids, from food items to personal care items, and from agricultural products to pharmaceutical items. All of these are packaged in distinguished packaging styles, using the techniques as simple as pillow pouch packaging to as complex as retort packaging. Most of the companies prefer not to produce their own packaging as it is quite a set up for the production of packaging itself, instead, they get their printed packaging in bulk from the packaging manufacturer and supplier. Paharpur is one of the most progressive flexible packaging companies in India that brings in the new an innovative techniques in flexible packaging.
The flexible packaging is produced using many materials like LDPE, HDPE, LLDPE, PET, BOPP, CPP, nylon, aluminium foil, paper, and after tailoring them to the desired shapes and sizes, gravure printing is used to print them into high end designs, representing the product and name of the product seller company.
There are many types of packaging which are classified according to their shapes, primary material and uses. According to the shape, there are pillow pouches, spout pouches, stand up pouches, stand up spout pouches and big bags. The material used mostly consists of different kinds of polythene materials for different pouches, aluminium foils for foil packaging, and multiple layered polythene and foil materials, known as retort packaging. All these are used for different purposes like retort packaging is used for ready to eat and drink items, dairy and perishable food items, and for pharmaceutical articles, foil packaging is used.
Pouch packaging is used for personal care items, non-perishable food items and all those items that have a good shelf life. For the products that need to be used again and again, such as hand-wash, face cream and sauces, spout pouch is considered to be the best for storing and reuse, as it prevents spilling through the cuts made in the pouch and makes it super-easy to use again and again. For pet food packaging, big bags are used, which can carry a lot of weight of the pet food. These are the bags with side folds which helps them stand upright.
Liquid packaging is mostly done in pillow pouches (for oil and milk etc.) or stand up spout pouches with tamper evident material, so that it can be stores and used properly and if it spills, it is evident before any substantial loss. Oil packaging works on the same concept where it is needed to prevent any loss due to oil spillage, and Paharpur 3P makes best in class packaging with sturdy material for the same.
Foil pouches are used for pharmaceutical and agricultural chemicals packaging is it preserves its properties which might otherwise alter because of heat and light energy. Tea is also vacuum packaged in foil pouches to preserve its aroma. It is also necessary to do aseptic packaging of these materials as they are also more vulnerable to chemical changes by presence of any other chemicals.
Paharpur is an innovator, mixing up technology and implementing it for better usage, which makes it an exceptional flexible packaging company.