Killeen, TX – January 9, 2015 – Faith Christian Academy (FCA) has been an instrumental asset to the City of Killeen’s citizens and families. Working in part with the local homeless shelter, FCA offers free childcare to families with small children as they gather the courage and strength to rebuild their lives.
Assisting those that have proudly served in the military Faith Christian Academy holds true to its motto, in spite all, to educate young minds to be tomorrow’s leaders. – Faith Christian Academy (FCA) are not just a child care facility, they believe in building up their parents as well as their children.
Faith Christian Academy (FCA) also teaches the A Beka Book Curriculm/Lesson plans that are designed to guide in teaching children Christian Character, Language, Math, Social Studies, Science and traditional subject matters. Because FCA gives out free childcare and meals to battered women so they are able to get back on their feet, FCA is in need of a playground and equipment. With your help FCA will be able to complete the need of the children.
About the Faith Christian Academy
Faith Christian Academy was established in 2009 with Kathy Kirkland as its Director. Faith Christian Academy is a licensed child care center in Killeen, TX. At Faith Christian Academy that enrolls children as young as 6 weeks through 12 years old. They are a medium-sized center open from 6:00am to 6:00pm. Faith Christian Academy participates in a subsidized child care program.
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