Southeast Asia, India & the Middle East are now 3-4 months into the pandemic and the crisis has impacted each of these regions in different ways; depending on the socio-economic factors, lockdown extensions and how the government in each region responded to the crisis.
Impact of Covid on Southeast Asia’s Retail Market
At a broader level, the restaurant and hospitality segments in Southeast Asia have been badly hit. The Sales-Per-Store has been on a steady decline across retail over the last 3 months and plunged to more than 80% in the first week of May.
Covid Impact on Southeast Asia’s Apparel & Fashion Industry
Apparel sales in SEA tanked during the peak of lockdown and the highest dip of 66% was observed at the end of March. Overall, sales have been hovering around the 30% mark until the first week of May.
Impact of Covid on India’s Retail Market
Channel-wise data indicate severe disruption for Indian retail brands with a sharp 60%+ drop in sales and footfalls have been at 36% of January even after the easing of lockdowns.
Covid Impact on India’s Apparel & Fashion Industry
The apparel sector in India saw a severe slump during the lockdown, with sales grinding to zero for most of the brands.
Impact of Covid on Middle East Retail Market
The online food & grocery retail is experiencing a major surge in the Middle East with average sales increasing by 200% and Order Values increasing by 50%. However, the closure of malls resulted in almost 50-60% slump in sales across F&B, Jewelry, Fashion & Luxury categories.
Covid Impact on Middle East Apparel & Fashion Industry
The apparel market in the Middle East has shown a decline of -65% during the peak but there has been an uptick in sales during the first two weeks of May.
Impact of Covid on China’s Retail Market
Overall retail sales in China plunged 20% in March as it struggled to contain the pandemic. Our data revealed a drop of over 65% in Average Sales per Store between January & March. Two months later, the country has seen a sharp drop in new coronavirus cases and consumers have started venturing back into malls and restaurants.
Covid Impact on China’s Apparel & Fashion Industry
From mid-April onwards, the sales per store which took a big hit during the lockdown are slowly coming back to pre-Covid levels. However, this differs from retailer to retailer – some have healthier sales than last year while others have fared worse.
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