Auvela Healthy Makeup - this line is also suitable for sensitive skin. It's also like a moisturizer and has vitamins, and antioxidants enriched with pomegranate and apple.
Auvela Minimize repetitive facial expressions, such as frowning, smiling, or raising your brows repeatedly. These things can cause those deep furrows around your eyes, mouth and across the forehead. Until you gain control of your expression, keep your skin lubricated with anti aging wrinkle creams.
Auvela Now, obviously, these are special ladies who put in a lot of extra effort to accomplish some specific goals, but it does make a point. Life...and fitness...does not have to end at 40. Both of these ladies STARTED their fitness careers after age 40. Kelly Nelson was 53 and Morjorie Newlin was 72. Years later, both were still active in their chosen fitness areas and still enjoying life as well as, or better than, many in their 30's or 40's.