Lodge and associates Investigations Ltd. is providing security measures to the reputed firms to secure their interests. We are in business since 1992 with the intention to provide the highest amount of investigation services to highly rich people, industry-specific and the general public. Private investigation is a very crucial job and we have enough manpower to deal with the discreet investigation. The important thing to take care of is that these professional services remain the most dedicated to the whole of Vancouver.
Our team is professional in its approach which meets all the criteria. Professional backgrounds and secondary language skills of our investigators facilitate overall case management. Lodge and associates are persistent and thorough investigators Team, invested in the most cutting edge surveillance equipment and techniques, to provide the best investigation results.
We acquire and maintain the best talent so that our clients remain satisfied with our investigations. In Vancouver, our private investigator business is on the rise as more people have trusted our services in Vancouver.
We operate in British Columbia with our intelligent private investigative team. Our training program is made in such a way that we attract the very best private investigators in British Columbia. The team is ready to work in harsh environmental conditions with ease: urban, rural you name it. We use the latest technology to ensure that the client is provided with the highest quality product. Our main aim is to provide the best possible satisfaction to client needs which makes him believe that we did our best.
Lodge and associates are affiliated with the world associations of Detectives, Inc. California Association of Legal Investigators, National Association of Legal Investigators, Private investigators of Association of British Columbia. It is recognized for the best investigators agency and the prestige of Lodge and associates has gone up tremendously.
Our firm has conducted in excess of 15,000 investigations with an established record of results. Lodge & Associates Investigations Ltd. also has worldwide affiliates, enabling professional investigations to be conducted globally with a high degree of professionalism. Our investigative services coverage includes the Metro Vancouver Region and the Interior Region of British Columbia. In addition, we have conducted major investigations in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and the Yukon Territory. We have also conducted major investigations on an international scale in North America and Europe. If you are in need of Private investigator in Vancouver just visit our website and let us know - http://www.lodgeandassociates.com/