Why Choose Mainland?
1. No limitation in getting employment visas
2. No corporate or personal taxes
3. Can establish more than one branch
4. Flexibility in renting office for your business
5. Easy and hassle free registration process
6. Freedom to do businesses of any industrial, commercial, trading, professional or tourism activity.
7. Flexibility in doing business with the locals.
Types of Company you can establish in the UAE mainland:
A. Branch or representative office of the Foreign companies
Foreign companies are allowed to open their company’s branch offices within the UAE and represent their parent company without involving in any trade, or manufacturing activities.
B. Public Shareholding Company
Setting up Public Shareholding Companies in UAE is allowed but requires special approval for the authorized governmental body and requires hefty documentary requirements. And, we are determined to assist you in this hectic journey of mainland company setup in Dubai right from the beginning.
C. Limited Liability Company (LLC)
LLC companies carry out the business activities such as trading, technical services, constructions, etc. These types of companies are widely registered companies in the UAE, which requires 51% shareholdings of the UAE nationals in the Company’s total shares. Minimum of 2 and maximum of 50 shareholders can be included in the company.
D. Others
Process of Mainland Company Setup in Dubai, UAE
1. Select business activity such as commercial, trading, professional, consultancy.
2. Select Trade Name for your business
3. Get the name approved from DED
4. Prepare Memorandum of Association and Local Sponsor Agreement
5. Lease/ purchase office space through a contract.
6. Get special approvals for setting up Public Limited Companies such as insurance, Banks from the Ministry of health, police, etc.
The registration process nearly takes about 1-2 weeks from the date of receipt of all the documents.
If you need to register a mainland company in Dubai, UAE, then, you are at right place; our expert led consultant will guide you throughout the process of registering Mainland Company. Schedule your free consultation with us for further inquiry and needful assistance.