Over the past three years, the name L’ATTITUDE became synonymous with a national drive to acknowledge the financial contribution Latinos make to the national economy. Not are the group rapidly increasing and is now the largest minority group in the United States representing 18.3% of the national population, but they are also contributing vast amounts to grow the economy. Through their contribution as business owners, workforce and consumers, they are the group providing the most rapidly increasing contribution to the economy through their buying power.
While the ethnic group is such an important contributor to the economy, they are still spared little room at the table when it comes to executive positions. Until recently, their business networks and development opportunities were inferior. It is when Sol Trujillo and Gary Acosta decided to start L’ATTITUDE.
“We noticed the need to share information regarding business development with the Latino population. Until recently many of the major role players in the local economy didn’t give notice to Latinos as a rising force in our economy and we wanted to change all of that. Through our professional meet up events, we can bring in speakers to share advice, give guidance and provide direction to Latino business owners and entrepreneurs. Through awareness campaigns, we are now able to bring in many more financial giants and have a range of the most prominent corporates adding their name to support our drive,” says Andrea Trujillo, the director of brand digital marketing of L’ATTITUDE.
Currently, the team has been able to host around 24 virtual events. Through the support of some of the country’s most prominent media houses and marketing agencies, we can present these meetings with interactive features. These features allow the attendees to interact with the speakers and gain much more value and insight from these professional meetups.
By obtaining the support needed, the input and influence of CEOs, executives and political leaders, the future of the ethnic group becomes far rosier. A future which can only benefit all, as the contribution which they make to the economy is important in maintaining economical wealth, present an environment luring new investment and delivering an inclusive society.
“We want to establish business equity, bring balance between the percentage of Latinos in the workforce and those in top-level management and provide access to the necessary support and capital to provide fair opportunities in business growth. This vision is our passion and what we strive to achieve every day,” Trujillo concludes.
About Us: L'ATTITUDE is a business based national initiative that is designed to enlighten executives and help them understand The New Mainstream Economy and the US Latino cohort that is driving it. This established conference is held annually and is a world-first, live cast, on-stage, interactive event steamed to any device anywhere. L’ATTITUDE hosts top CEOs, economists, celebrities, politicians, industry influencers and more. Participants at L'ATTITUDE engage in an open dialogue about the facts and data of America’s Latino Factor and The New Mainstream Economy. The conference is due to run from September 29th to October 2nd, 2021 with topics including media and entertainment, issues and politics, business and economics and much more. Sponsored by top brand names and with a lineup of top-notch guest speakers, the conference is guaranteed to be another great success in 2021. To find out more, visit https://lattitude.net/