Shopping or exploring items online from the comfort of your living room is one of the best things you could ask for as the benefit of a digital world. Long lost are the days when you had to tire your legs both for picking your favourite items and paying for it. We are thankful for all the technological changes and advancements that we have been seeing in this generation. Many of our tasks are reduced to just a few clicks on our smartphones. The aid of apps and other digital features have enabled all of us to find the best deals in a nearby location.
The KunFayaKun app proves to be an angelic platform that helps you connect with your desires seamlessly. It has two categorical segments namely Consumer Role and Angel Present. The app functions in a simple way of allowing consumers to post their desires in the form of texts, images, or videos, and the Angels come up with their offers accordingly.
KunFayaKun is an appropriate platform that gives its consumers an opportunity to search for any desire through this app. It connects people to the angels present who can help them further in fulfilling their desires. It is determined to work as a go-to app for all the consumer desires for a fast online experience to find anything and everything. Thus, the KunFayaKun ecosystem brings together consumers and Angels over a common platform like never before.
One can begin exploring the best deals for their desires by posting them in the search desire box on the app. From looking to buy a laptop to wanting to purchase a wall unit, KunFayaKun helps you get the desires fulfilled by searching and browsing in your nearby location. Here consumers can find almost anything and everything. They can share your requirements, location, check offers frequently, and find the best deals on this app. You can search for any desire by posting them in the form of multimedia. Posting desires in the form of multimedia help find Angel offer easily. The app, on the Angel Present's part, functions this way- once they have checked the desires, they can come up with offers for the consumer desires.
The KunFayaKun ecosystem comprises an efficient search engine, a seamless method of posting desire, and an outstanding opportunity for the Angels to connect with the consumers and offer their desires at affordable prices. The app offers an in-built chat feature where consumers and Angels can chat after exchanging their desires and offers. The person on the side of Consumer Role can click the "Love", "$" sign to indicate a thumbs up for Angel's offer and are interested in proceeding with the offer. All these consumer actions can be viewed by Angels on their side of the app. In case the consumer does not want to go ahead with the offer, they can block it by clicking the "X" sign. They can even block Angels by clicking on the rightmost sign.
Angel Present is the other significant party of this app. Angel Present at the KunFayaKun app is the one who is there to offer the consumers their best offers to benefit both the consumer and themselves. The mutual benefit here is that the consumers get their desires fulfilled whereas Angels get the appropriate price for their offers. The Angel Present can view all the desires posted by the consumers within a radius of 10-15 miles. Once the Angels have gone through consumer desires, they can provide their offer in the form of text, image, or video. It should be noted that while posting a desire, no consumer can ask for 'sexual, copyright, or violent' content. The same rule is to be followed by the Angels.