28th Aug, 2017 - Kippa (kippot/kippah) is a skullcap worn by Jewish men especially at praying times and Jewish events. We have kippa/kippah for every occasion and manufactured in our factory. We also take bulk order and customize design. We personalize all Kippot.
Your children are getting married. What a celebration! As this is a Jewish event having Kippahs around for all of the guests is a must. We have a line chosen just for Wedding Kippahs!
Your little girl is becoming of age! You can let her help you choose which color Bat Mitzvah Kippahs she wants for the Bat Mitzvah party as well as the style and color. You can match the theme and colors to the event!
Having a child is the miracle of life and joy, especially in the Jewish world where childbirth is infused with deep meaning. Matching all baby themes we have a collection of unique Baby Shower Kippahs for your event.
Your son is hitting a big milestone in his Jewish life! You can delight your son by letting him help you choose from our special Bar Mitzvah Kippahs. You can match the colors and theme to the event!
Browse through our large variety of styles and designs, choose from the old-school black Kippah to the colorful embroidered Bucharian Kippah - find the style that suits your personality.
We offer more 300 skillfully crafted kippahs for sale designed to suit any event, occasion or style! For example, you might wish a colorful skull cap for a special event like a wedding or birthday celebration, a black kippah for a funeral, a customized kippot for a Jewish boy who will be Bar-Mitzvahed at age 13 or a special kippah for a Jewish Girl who will be Bat-Mitzvahed at the age of 12. We have kippahs for every almost every special Jewish occasion.
About the company:
Kippahs Your Way is a leading manufacturer and supplier of custom Kippahs that can be worn on a variety of occasions including wedding, birthday, bar & bat mitzvahs, etc. If you are looking for personalized kippots for sale online, contact us now.
Contact Us:
Kippahs Your Way
P.O. Box 300848
Brooklyn, NY 11230
[email protected]