BBW dating can be very frustrating especially if you are overweight, plus sized or BBW. Sometimes dating feels like it's a 2nd job. Shouldn't finding the love of your life be exciting and less stressful? It should be. After all, life is meant to be fun. So it's time to chill out and enjoy life and enjoy the new people that you meet. And don't worry about your height, weight or looks. The right man will love you for who you are on the inside. As long as you act positive and secure, then men will gravitate towards you.
Sometimes we take life way too seriously. We get caught up in this matrix where we have to do things at a certain time or have to keep up with what everyone else is doing. Or sometimes we feel we have to keep up with our parents expectations of us. Sometimes we worry that we are dating someone that our family or friends won't accept. Why even as an adult are we still hung up on wanting to earn the respect of friends and family even if it is to our own detriment or happiness. Aren't we old enough to think for ourselves and not worried about trying to gain acceptance from our peers?
Sometimes we look at magazines and think that we haven't found love because we do not look like the woman on the magazine covers. I think that all these superficial magazines create insecurities in most women, especially BBW singles. I think we should all stop buying all these junk magazines until they put "real" women on the cover. Don't buy into all the madness. Don't fixate on superficiality. Make sure you look for a man who is a good man on the inside and has a big heart. The outer beauty fades away if the man is a creep on the inside.
Sometimes the people that we lust after are not actually the people we are supposed to marry. Sometimes when you meet someone and you feel that chemistry and that burning desire, it is not love, but just sexual energy. This sexual energy is the build up of chemicals in your body. Sometimes these chemicals can be mistaken for love when in reality it is just lust and excitement.
Sometimes the excitement of dating a "bad" boy or "bad" girl can make you feel alive and make you feel like you are in love. But the truth may be that you are mistaking love for just lust. This energy won't last if you don’t have solid foundation and the chemistry will burn out if you can't have a deeper relationship with this person. Many plus sized singles think they need to settle. They don't feel they are worthy of love and end up being taken advantage of in relationships. If a plus sized singles is confident and carries herself well, then men will not be able to take advantage and will respect her, like he should.
Sometimes the people that we were meant to marry may not provide the excitement that we so desire to feel, when we first meet this person. Sometimes the person that we eventually fall in love with is a love that grows over time, after we get to know this person. The person you end up with is someone that you want to be able to count on whether good times or bad times. Because life is filled with ups and downs. The "bad" boy or "bad" girl may be fun and exciting when things are good, but can you count on this person to help you when you are going through a hard time?
If you are still meeting men or women who seem to constantly reject you. I think you should take a hard look at the quality of people you date. It's probably not anything about you, it's not because you are a BBW. It's probably that you are dating the wrong quality type of person. The truth is, there are self-centered jerks out there. You have to look out for yourself and have confidence that you are better then them. If someone is giving you the run around. Run away!
Sometimes we are attracted to people that we find to be challenging. Most of the time you cannot change the person. If you are finding that the people you meet are not relationship oriented then you need to find different people. There is a saying: "The definition of crazy is doing the same thing over and over again expecting to get the same results." I think this quote is true for many of us pertaining to dating.
Maybe you are not finding like minded people. Instead of perusing bars or nightclubs. It's best to find places to go where there are people with good values and similar interests. For instance, If you are interested in art, you should join some art clubs. If you are interested in politics you should join some political groups in your neighborhood. There are places where you can date some one like bbw couple. If you are constantly dating the wrong people then maybe it's time to meet people doing something that you believe in and something that you enjoy. There are good people who are out there donating their time to charities and helping people. For instance, people who join the pet charities and donate their time to get pets adopted should be a good group of people. The point being is that once you have hobbies outside of dating then these hobbies can lead you to like minded people. If you don't have any hobbies or passions it is good to go and find some. Sometimes the superficial life of perusing bars may not be the best ways to find a new boyfriend or girlfriend. It's better to get involved in things and meet someone that way.
If you have been dating a long time and are having a hard time with it. It is time to change your tactics. Possibly change your thoughts or change the way you meet people or spend your free time. Don't let others dictate who you should date. If you are afraid your parents or friends won't accept your future partner then it's time to possibly distance yourself from the people preventing you from finding true love. If you limit yourself to dating someone of the same religion you can miss out on meeting someone wonderful. Especially if you are not that religious anyway.
If you are constantly dating people who are not relationship oriented then it's time you re-evaluate the people you choose to date. To change your situation you need to make changes in your life. Doing the same thing over and over again will give you the same results. If you figure out your interests, passions and desires in life. Make changes and become involved in your interests and the right person may just enter your life without even looking. Just be open. Because this person may not look like the person you have dreamed of and they may not appear at first to be the right religion, background or family. But they may give you the love that you desire and need. You have it within yourself to make the changes in your life to find your passions and find love.
The law of attraction works. Go towards the things that interest you and you will attract the right things back. It's quantum physics and has been proven to work scientifically. So start enjoying the game of life and as soon as you start going towards the "real" you and following who you were meant to be, then the right person will come into your life. And if this person hasn't shown up in your life yet, then you where probably on the wrong track and need to make some changes. Good luck and take all the time you need. Life is a game and you are free to break all the rules. is a great BBW dating site.