In ovulating women clear discharge happens during the monthly ovulation cycles. Women suffering from inflammation, infections or irritation of the female organs caused by uncomfortable conjugal interaction can also suffer from such symptoms. This can happen in women suffering from pelvic inflammatory diseases such as peritonitis where the membrane of abdominal cavity is infected and the pain goes to entire abdomen.
Such infections spread through blood, or through abdominal injury and cause diarrhea. Leucorrhea is itchy and brown blood like discharge and can happen after the monthly outflow in women. Estrogen or testosterone enhancement pills and anti - microbial pills hurt the natural gut biome, as a result many women want to know how to treat leucorrhea naturally at home.
In leucorrhea, women get discharge due to inflammation or infections. Discharge from female genitals, irregularity in menstrual cycle, hair loss, acne, fertility problem, insulin imbalance, depression and breathing problem, while, sleeping, are some symptoms. Hygiene is one of the foremost causes for such release but there can be other causes such as the use of chemical contraceptives, smoking, poor eating habits, digestive disorders etc.
Such infections can cause cervical erosion, endometriosis, miscarriage and other complications. Women suffering from such release also suffer from chronic pain in lower abdomen, inflammation, itching, swelling and pain. Women get discharge in young age as they are ovulating but older women may not get such clear discharge as the estrogen level in body declines. Gynex capsule provide the best herbal supplements for treating leucorrhea which can reverse these symptoms.
Symplocos Racemosa in the best herbal supplements for treating leucorrhea, is the most researched natural phosphodiesterase inhibitors which can breakdown cAMP - the messenger beneficial for increasing muscular mass, improving thyroid functions, promoting fat loss and improving steroidogenesis.
Herbal treatment for leucorrhea containing Symplocos can cure infertility in women. It contains metabolites - prostaglandins - responsible for muscle relaxation and vasodilatation, leutotrienes which promotes broncho constriction and thromboxanes which help in blood clotting and reducing pain.
It is the best herbal supplements for treating leucorrhea as it can cure diarrhea and infections of the gastro intestinal tract. It can increase estrogen in women and testosterone in men. Its intake after childbirth and abortion helps in restoring the shape of female organs.
The herbs in the best herbal supplements for treating leucorrhea Gynex capsule are anti inflammatory, cooling agent, astringent and anti microbial which can cure infections to prevent excess watery and white discharge from female reproductive organs.
The herbs in the natural cure for vaginal discharge restore the histology of ovarian tissues and cures uterus inflammation to prevent leucorrhea. It can cure PCOS as it prevents escalation of testosterone levels to cure menstrual irregularity.
The best herbal supplements for treating leucorrhea contains herbo-minerals powders used for therapeutic properties, which are called bhasma such as Godanti Hadtal bhasma and Shubhra bhasma. The main property of these nano particles is it can provide minerals and herbs directly to cells to augment the transportation of minerals and nutrient to the tissues. The herb such as Ashwagandha in the cure can target a number of transcription factors, growth factors, inflammatory cytokines, and receptors and can repair damaged functions without any side effects.