Facial redness, also known as rosacea, is a common condition that can affect people of all ages. Sometimes the result of ageing skin or years of exposure to the sun and other elements, facial redness can also be genetic and come on at a young age.
You can protect your skin as well as possible, but still experience facial redness. This has left many sufferers wondering what can be done about it.
One of the most effective treatments for facial redness has been developed by Infinity Skin, a leader in modern and compassionate skin care treatments. The best results are seen when treatment is personalised, with experts recommending a consultation process that perfectly tailors the treatment to your skin.
What is Facial Redness?
Rosacea causes small red pustules to appear on the middle part of the face, mostly around the cheeks and nose. It gives the skin a reddish hue, and can look like sunburn or like you are blushing or hot.
It does get worse with age and increases in times of stress, so there are some lifestyle changes you can try to reduce redness when it happens. But mostly, regardless of the kinds of changes you make or prevention steps you put into place, sufferers will still periodically get red in the face.
Infinity Skin Clinic uses a highly effective laser face treatment especially targeting facial redness, which is a vascular laser known as Laser Genesis.
This laser treatment for facial redness works by carefully heating the upper layers of the skin to stimulate the production of collagen and restore skin texture, as well as dilating capillaries which effectively decreases the skin’s redness.
The non-invasive treatment has a general all-around beneficial boost for the health of your skin, including boosting the natural collagen production of skin cells, evening out skin texture and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.
The most important thing to note about skin treatment is to get a consultation that is individualised for your skin. Everyone has different skin, as well as a different diet, lifestyle, and triggers for facial redness, so a one-size-fits-all approach is not going to work.
About Infinity Skin
The Infinity Skin Clinic was established by leading plastic surgeon, Dr Charles Cope, to provide clients with professional advice on the latest in skin care and aesthetic treatments. Staffed by a team of cosmetic physicians and beauty therapists, their beautiful, state-of-the-art rooms in Mosman provide a lovely luxurious setting for high-quality skincare with positive results.
For more information, please contact.
Infinity Skin Clinic
Level 1, 357 Military Road, Mosman, NSW 2088
Phone: (02) 9307 2833