The United Nations has proclaimed the theme of the 2022 International Day of Peace observances, celebrated each year on September 21, to be “End racism / build peace.” The UN, in promoting the International Day of Peace, hopes to strengthen the “ideals of peace”, by encouraging 24 hours of non-violence and cease-fires in combat zones.
On its web site, the UN observes that “achieving true peace entails much more than laying down arms. It requires the building of societies where all members feel that they can flourish. It involves creating a world in which people are treated equally, regardless of their race.” The global, power-of- intention, I Declare World Peace art project, agrees.
According to IDWP’s president, Rita C. Candolin-Gelber, in addition to all the steps advocated by the United Nations, and the obvious need to promote racial and gender equality, the world must engage in efforts to “raise global peace consciousness.” Candolin-Gelber explained that “all human activity, including violence and war, starts as a thought, starts in the mind. In that same way, all activity related to stopping violence, stopping war, and promoting peace also starts in the mind. The I Declare World Peace art project seeks to instill the thought of peace directly into the consciousness of humanity, and in that way, reduce violence and increase peace.”
Candolin-Gelber went on to note that apropos of the International Day of Peace, UN Secretary General, Antonio Guterres tweeted last year, on September 5, 2021, at 8:44 a.m., that “Declaring peace must be a priority for everyone, everywhere.” In order to fulfill Secretary General Guterres’ instruction to prioritize “declaring peace”, the I Declare World Peace project has stepped up its effort to acquire 10,000 “I Declare World Peace” videos.
“As of now, we have over 600 videos from 91 countries, and are hoping to have every country on the planet represented. These are short ‘selfie’ type videos, scripted along the following lines: “Hi, my name is [first name]. I am from (or I live in) [city, country] and I Declare World Peace.” We then save these to the I Declare World Peace YouTube channel and tweet them out to spread the word. We encourage everyone to email us their video at
[email protected].” Candolin-Gelber pointed out that people can Google “I Declare World Peace” and click the “videos” tab for examples.
Candolin-Gelber also wants the world to know that the I Declare World Peace project is non-political, non-religious and self-funded. It does not accept money donations (though it sells uniquely designed merchandise on Redbubble and Spring), and most importantly, that the I Declare World Peace project supports every other well-intentioned pro-peace initiative on the planet. The I Declare World Peace project encourages all users of social media to add the international peace hashtag - #IDWP – to their profiles and bios.
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