ICB is an Independent External Examination Body for Accredited Business Qualifications in Southern Africa since 1931. Their role is to create pathways for students to obtain valuable business studies skills for employment that are endorsed by credible Business Qualifications. The ICB is an appointed Quality Assurance Partner for QCTO who is authorised to conduct examinations on a number of Registered Qualifications that are on the NQF.
The ICB offers business qualifications that gives you the right skills and qualifications to make you stand out from the crowd. Whether you are interested in finance, business or office administration, the ICB has something to offer for everybody.
• ICB Financial Accounting
• ICB Business Management
• ICB Office Administration
All ICB’s qualifications are registered on the National Qualifications Framework (NQF) and the providers offering tuition towards the ICB exams are registered with the relevant quality assurance body (QCTO) and Department of Education and Training (DHET).
Why study with IBTC
Our vision is to be the best college in South Africa because we have the highest pass rates. We might not be the biggest, with the biggest student intake, but we will have the most students passing.
It’s a combination of factors that enable you to study less, score higher and qualify faster. We start with a detailed study plan that tells you the order in which you must study and when to attempt your progress tests and mock exams. If you have purchased Home Study Plus, you will also have access to online resources. But the silver bullet is definitely our dedicated tutors with fast query turn-around times and programme monitors who hold your
hand throughout the whole journey. We regularly check in with you to see how you are doing and to keep you on track.
The formula to get you exam fit:
To qualify for our Pass Assured Promise, you need to have submitted Test 1 and 2 (from your POE) for our feedback (not to be marked). You should also have attempted your final exam within 6 months of having received your study material. Take the tutor’s comments on board and you’re on your way to passing your exam. In the unlikely event that you don’t pass, you will receive 3 additional months of tutor support and you can again submit progress tests or POE activities to your tutor for marking or feedback. (Note that no new study material will be provided.)
Home Study Plus:
The Home Study Plus option is ideal for students who prefer the flexibility of home study, but who require additional assistance in the form of video learning. With our Home Study Plus option you get all the study material you need to prepare for your final assessment, as well as a USB with video learning. The videos can be watched online or offline.
• Textbook
• Study and solutions guide (which includes solutions to activities in the textbook, as well as mock assessment questions and solutions)
• Workbook (select subjects only)
• A USB with concept videos (which explain certain concepts in each chapter), mock assessment videos (which work through mock assessment questions in a step-by-step way), and an additional trial exam paper
• A coupon code which gives you online access to the content included on the USB
• Unlimited tutor support
Home Study:
The ICB Home Study option has been designed for students who wish to study from home at their own pace.
• Textbook
• Study and solutions guide
• Workbook (select subjects only)
• A coupon code which gives you online access to an electronic version of the study and solutions guide
• Unlimited tutor support
96% of our students say they will recommend us to a friend.