A Root Canal-Treated (RCT) or root-filled tooth is one in which the dental nerve, commonly called the pulp, is intentionally removed and is filled with an inert material called gutta-percha.
Many patients have heard the term “mercury toxicity” associated with fillings but still have many questions about it: what is it, am I affected by it, and what can be done to remediate it.
Pediatric tooth decay is on the rise. Some research suggests that systemic causes—including radiation exposure, hormonal abnormalities, and foreign proteins in food.
Many patients have heard the term “Mercury toxicity” associated with fillings but still have many questions about it: what is it, am I affected by it, and what can be done to re-mediate it
Karson Foods, with our loyal employees, form one the most professional on-site catering food service in the New Jersey area, and have been doing so since 1982
Karson Food Service specializes in catered child and Institutional meal programs, servicing Schools, Child Care Centers, Summer Camps, Adult Care Centers, and Senior Programs throughout the State of New Jersey
Pediatric tooth decay is on the rise. Some research suggests that systemic causes—including radiation exposure, hormonal abnormalities, and foreign proteins in food.
Mercury toxicity symptoms are many; mercury poisoning takes a heavy toll on the body, affecting the neurological and central nervous systems, as well as the gastrointestinal, immune, neuromuscular, and cardiovascular systems.
A pediatric dental wellness program helps your child to learn the lessons of proper health maintenance and nutritional habits that prevent dental disease.
The current pandemic due to COVID-19 has forced the world to go indoors by practising social distancing and adhering to lockdown instructions globally.
Holistic Dentistry based in New Jersey helped thousands of people every day by providing necessary dental care services that adds new valuable resources for the community.