Indeed, sushi is a treat to your eyes and mind for all Japanese food lovers. The word “Sushi” comes from an archaic grammatical form of word which means “sour”. Usually, rice and fish are combined to make it a perfect meal. Although, you will find plethora of restaurants and shops serving sushi in different ways but if you want to taste the best sushi Montreal, Izu Sushi is definitely a name to consider.
The concerned Japanese food item was not originated in Japan but gained huge popularity over there at present. Some people say sushi is the marriage of vinegar rice with many other ingredients. Such combinations had actually evolved and turned out as the most popular food items in Japan. Those who crave for Japanese cuisine go crazy when it is served in rolled nori called Makizushi and nigirizushi (toppings laid in clumps of rice). Another variety of this cuisine called inarizushi is stuffed with fried toful and chirashi-zushi includes toppings scattered over a sushi rice bowl.
No matter, what kind of variety they are going to prepare but chefs at Izu Sushi make sure that all the ingredients are properly set to turn it into perfect sushi. Make a note; sushi rice is a kind of short grained rice mixed with vinegar, salt, sugar and sometimes sake. This short grain brown and wild rice can also be used and cooled down before placing it into a type of filling. While preparing a dish called Nori- an alga, you can consider it as a type of seaweed wrapper. And the wrappers are scrapped, rolled out into thin and dried into the sun just like rice paper. However, if you want to go with sushi downtown Montreal, plethora of restaurants are there to cater your needs and Izu Sushi is definitely one of them.
A wide array of restaurants claiming to offer best dishes in Montreal but they don’t live up to their expectations in real. To locate the best restaurant, you must consider the feedbacks and testimonials given by former clients. Among all, Izu Sushi is the most popular and worthy restaurant sushi Montreal.
IZU Sushi is a leading restaurant which makes people taste different varieties of Sushi in a pleasing atmosphere. The highly dedicated and friendly staff renders timely sushi livraison. To check out the list of varieties available along with their respective prices at Izu Sushi, you must feel free to visit