Over the last five years, AX Track has recovered in excess of £5m worth of stolen vehicles. Those fitted with an AX Tracker were located and retrieved within 24 hours. On average, this translates to a value of £32k per car and £254k every month. 95 vehicles were recovered in the year-to-date, totalling a value of £3.53m.
AX Track's vehicle tracking technology protects vehicles with their covert tracking and recovery service, with extendable protection from just 1-year commitment and a professional fitting service by fully trained and vetted technicians.
The latest from the Office for National Statistics showed a 14 per cent rise in vehicle crime in 2022, with 391,613 cases over the course of last year. Experts warn of a possible increase due to the cost of living crisis.
AX Track has developed a comprehensive portfolio of technological solutions supported by a team experienced in recovering stolen vehicles across the UK, Europe, and even Africa, who delivers one of the highest vehicle recovery rates in the industry - 99.1 per cent.
This bespoke covert solution is fully Thatcham approved and can be fitted to most vehicles in a multitude of locations, with its design and aesthetics being closely guarded secrets. Only AX's team of technicians with 90 years combined experience knows where it is fitted in the vehicle.
AX Track's intelligent technology is also smart enough to contact the AX Protect team if a thief is trying to locate it and to know when not to make contact if this may compromise the vehicle's security.
AX Track's products are accredited by the UK police force's Secured by Design initiative, which is the only way for companies to obtain police recognition for security-related products. This accreditation is a formal link with UK Policing at a strategic level.
The AX Track team works closely with local officers to ensure the safe recovery of stolen vehicles and provide intelligence to assist subsequent investigations.
Neil Thomas, Director of Investigative Services, said: "The AX Track team understands the emotional and financial impact vehicle theft can have on owners and businesses. This is why we are passionate about delivering the best service available. Vehicle crime continues to evolve, which is why we innovate and use the latest technology to help trace and recover stolen vehicles for our different types of customers."
Find out more information at:https://www.ax-uk.com/ax-track
Who are Accident Exchange?
Experts at caring for people and cars, AX Track is part of the AX Group of companies, running for over 20 years. AX Track works with individual vehicles, dealerships selling high volumes of cars or vehicles, caravans, business owners with large fleets of vans or HGVs, and heavy machinery, including tractors and plant vehicles.
If you would to know more about Accident Exchange, or receive any more information to support the release, contact Hannah Wilson at
[email protected]