You can create more traffic for you and your business without spending any additional money on marketing. With guerrilla marketing, it is more about out-smarting the competition than it is about out-spending the competition. Boundless opportunities and countless positive effects on your business await you when you take advantage of the guerrilla- marketing concept. guerrilla Marketing is defined as unconventional marketing designed for low budgets and maximum impact. guerrilla marketing gets you and your company in front of future customers in the places that they frequent. Customers today are bombarded with traditional advertising and have become resistant and unaffected by it. Meaning: it is time to change the way you market.
Guerrilla marketing works when complimentary businesses agree to come together and take a cooperative approach to marketing their businesses. There are synergies between companies who serve a similar customer base. Identifying these synergies and getting to know one another's business are the first steps towards creating a lasting guerrilla marketing relationship. The possibilities are as vast as your imagination. Here are four guerrilla- marketing techniques that you can use to generate more traffic next week:
1. Thank-You Take-A-Way Packets
A thank-you take-a-way packet enhances your sale, helps validate the customer's purchase, and provides a valuable service to your customers while simultaneously thanks them for being your customer. The key to the take-a-way packet is to have something that is high quality and feels like a thank-you gift. It should, by no means, represent a selling piece. The thank-you take-a-way packet will vary depending on your type of business. For a high-end retail location we suggest using a small folder about the size of a half sheet of paper. On the outside of the folder should be an effective and professional design with the words "Thank You." Inside the folder should contain all the relevant paperwork associated with their purchase as well as all necessary information to make sure that their after purchase experience is pleasant and well informed.
This information should go on one side of the folder only. The other side of the folder is where you will put your pieces of value. Pieces of value can include anything that your customer will enjoy receiving. Successful examples include, a free appetizer at a local restaurant, free dry cleaning, a small book on a topic relevant to their purchase, or a small ad-specialty item from a complimentary business. The pieces of value will differ depending on the type of business that you are in. Use your imagination and have fun with it. These thank-you packets work because every company that is represented in your packet will reciprocate by including your piece of value in their packet. Therefore, you are quadrupling your exposure to customers from complimentary businesses in exchange for giving your customers something that they perceive as a gift.
2. Website Co-Branding
When you have a strong guerrilla partner network, you can use a similar approach with your website. The group of businesses can link their websites together in a way that 'provides value first'. Providing value first means that the link needs to be positioned in a way that is more than an advertisement. A good cooperative link on a website is more than just an advertisement. It must be something that would interest a customer. Examples include interesting tips, suggestions, or examples of how the customer can enhance their experience. For example, having an interior designer and a realtor provide design tips could add value and augment the experience of buying a new home.