Clarks School Shoes are built to last. We take additional care in ensuring our goods are of the highest quality. To maximise the life of the shoe it is recommended that they are not worn for high level activity that causes excessive abrasion on hard or rough surfaces. School shoes are not designed for activities such as skateboarding, cycling, riding a scooter or playing any kind of game.
Kids love running, climbing, skipping, kicking, tackling and jumping. The endless bundles of energy are on their feet at every moment they can, be that playing soccer during their lunch break, running around the garden on weekends, and running you ragged with all their sporting activities.
Spare a thought for their poor shoes, that have to put up with day in, day out punishment as the kids run from one activity to the next. Soles wear down, shoe surfaces get scuffed and torn, shoe laces get worn out and broken.
Greens Footwear carries a broad range of the most popular and reliable school shoes in the Clarks school shoes range. From the classic Daytona shoe with its top lace and tough leather construction through to the modern velcro Reliance and Ventura models, there is something in the Clarks school shoe range to suit every child’s sense of style and any budget.
Style is important. Schools are an environment where children are under enormous pressure to ‘fit in,’ and anything that makes them stand out can be an uncomfortable experience. Clarks school shoes are designed to be understated, but contemporary, giving the child the confidence they need to participate in school on their terms, without costing parents any more than necessary.
Like a grown-up, every child's style and personality are distinctive and it's imperative that they have a pair of shoes they need to wear. Something else, your valuable money will essentially be wasted. Giving them a chance to participate in the choice, regardless of how youthful they might be, will guarantee that the shoes being referred to see a lot of activity over the school year. If your child's school has a dress code, make certain that the school shoes you are looking freely fit within its rules.
About the Company:
Greens Footwear was established in Cronulla Mall, Sydney in 1963 by Alan and Louise Green. Green’s Footwear is a traditional family footwear business stocking a range of comfort, quality, budget and fashion shoes for women, men and children, including a wide range of school shoes. They help customers from any part of Australia or indeed the world find the right pair of shoes for their feet.