[b][STANMORE - 04/07/2018][/b] - Centre of Dental Excellence offers Invisalign consultations where the patient can express any worries and ask questions about Invisalign treatment.
People are often reluctant to undergo traditional teeth straightening treatment as it means months of wearing unsightly metal braces. Invisalign at Centre of Dental Excellence are clear, removable aligners that gently nudge the teeth into their correct position.
Once the patient has had their consultation at Centre of Dental Excellence, Invisalign aligners are created to custom fit the patient’s teeth, these can take as little as three months to do the job. New aligners are put in every 7–10 days.
Invisalign with Centre of Dental Excellence requires a retainer to be worn after treatment to stop the teeth slipping back to their original position.
[b]Reap the benefits of Invisalign at Centre of Dental Excellence[/b]
Invisalign at Centre of Dental Excellence has positive effects on general oral health. Straight teeth help to keep to gums happy and healthy, as the chances of food getting lodged in unwanted nooks and crannies in the teeth is slimmer.
As well as attending check-ups at Centre of Dental Excellence, Invisalign maintenance involves regularly cleaning the teeth and aligners. Unlike braces, the aligners are removable, so the patient can go on brushing and flossing their teeth as normal, without any special tools.
Straight teeth can also restore people’s chewing ability, allowing food to be digested properly. This benefits their overall health and allows them to get more of the vitamins and nutrients they need.
[b]Who is suited to Invisalign at Centre of Dental Excellence?[/b]
This sounds great, but who can get Invisalign at Centre of Dental Excellence?Unfortunately, young children are not suitable for treatment. Invisalign at Centre of Dental Excellence is also not suited to more severe or complex cases of misaligned teeth. During the consultation the dentist will usually take an x-ray of the teeth and thoroughly examine the mouth, to see if they can have the go-ahead for treatment.
For more information, visit [b]http://www.centreofdentalexcellence.co.uk/[/b].